Oh geez if Bill Maher got fired oh boy that would make me, a liberal snowflake, so mad!!!! GEEZ!!!! Don’t do it guys I’m serious ;-)
Oh geez if Bill Maher got fired oh boy that would make me, a liberal snowflake, so mad!!!! GEEZ!!!! Don’t do it guys I’m serious ;-)
That’s like Henry Kaiser-level shredding.
It’s easy to forget how great those early Burton films were since he hasn’t made anything particularly good in so long. Pee-Wee, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Batman/Returns, these all land squarely in the A range for my personal taste. Edward Scissorhands in particular is a very nostalgic movie for me, but I…
It’s not quite a poached egg, but you can get darn close with a sous vide circulator, and it’s crazy easy:
This saddens me too. What a great show, I’m really going to miss it. Ohhhh farts.
Hey dipshit, that means you think that some people don’t deserve to earn a livable wage.
“do to the fact”
On one hand I can understand, I mean being shunned sucks on a personal level and I totally get why these dummies would latch onto any praise they get no matter where it’s from.
Hemming and hawing about who’s “entitled” to a living wage is literally the GOP’s position. A centrist position would be to support a livable wage. A progressive position would be a basic income guarantee.
Is this a joke? “Hardly spend any time together” is best case scenario for Melania. Wish the rest of us had the luxury of ignoring that dipshit.
Honestly, I can’t imagine she missed seeing a metal shirt over the last 18 years while she was raising her college-aged child. But you add a POC to that equation and suddenly...
Big picture answer: people who are unhappy with their lives like to blame it on other things.
Not to be all [pushes up glasses] on ya, but that shit bothered me a LOT as a kid. Especially how he shows up at the start of RotJ all like “nyahh I’m a jedi” and I’m like “well WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN”
Like a lot of things these days, there’s a straightforward meaning that’s pretty understandable (albeit mostly relevant to fan fiction communities) and another meaning that dumb people on the internet repeat to each other.
Oh Dennis Miller just you wait til I learn how to be a comedian and then I will make some jokes about you and see how you like it!!!!!!
Can we get a statue of this guy outside the NYSE?
Few things give me less hope for the future of democracy than the fucking Splinter commentariat, and that includes the MAGA chuds. At least I know where I stand with those dipshits.
Holy shit that’s good kinja.
Oh my god it’s a contrarian. On the internet of all places! We are all truly humbled by your bravery.