
Why Elden Ring not Sekiro? I know Sekiro is more of a ninja game than a samurai game, but there are objectively more samurai in Sekiro than ER by a mile. And the parry-based combat is very samurai-y. I wouldn’t say no to ER being on this list, but at the very least Sekiro should be, too.

I don’t want to yuck anyone’s enjoyment of the HZD games, but as someone who dabbles in the occasional Ubi-open-world game HZD felt like the least exciting take on the “hunting robot dinosaurs” concept possible. I played the original for about 30 hours and had approximately 0 feelings about it in that time (even just

Putting that English degree to “good use,” I see.

I’ve noticed there is a certain kind of internet person that is probably over-represented in the comments here. I guess you could just call it a negativity bias. Over the last decade people who didn’t like the first Avatar had all those feelings justified and fed off of by other internet people who shared those

I just need to offer some solace to the people who actually like this show and might be scrolling these comments: don’t. People in here seem to have some kind of axe to grind. The show is a visual treat, and the creative takes on the turtle designs are a huge part of it. I know I can’t change anyone’s personal

Onitama is my favorite two-player board game, couples or not. It’s a duel between martial arts dojos with the goal being to defeat your opponent’s sensei and protect your own. In some ways it’s almost like a quick version of chess but with some interesting tweaks. Each game uses cards in a shared pool that dictate the

Onitama is my favorite two-player board game, couples or not. It’s a duel between martial arts dojos with the goal

Lol came here to say that, glad I’m not the only pedant here. 

I would never tell someone NOT to watch Crouching Tiger, but I am gonna be that guy and say Hulk doesn’t deserve its bad rep. I’d much rather watch it than Life of Pi. I didn’t watch Gemini Man but I can almost guarantee it’s less interesting than Hulk. Compared to the kinds of crowd-pleasing heights that superhero

The first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie is good and nostalgic. The second one is just nostalgic, not good. The third one for me is none of the above. 

Instead of an armored truck a limo pulls up...

Premise reminds me a lot of the anime Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji, which is also wonderfully anticapitalist... Big recommendation on that show. 

I am generally a TV Fan and I watch a lot of it, including a good bit of bad/mediocre stuff... I have never quite disliked a show like I do this one. Something about it just repulses me. I like the cast, so good job to whoever this person is, but the show’s tone and style makes me want to puke. It’s shitty My Name is

Waiting for Goro is a fucking zinger and a half, kudos. But tbh, “R-Rated Power Rangers” is exactly what I think an MK movie should be. Still, if it’s boring then I’m glad to skip it. 

I assumed this was the first I was hearing about a bad game, but it turns out I’ve just completely missed all the news about this one.

...the remote, enemy-infused island of Corto Maltese.”

This is the same excuse I used back in 1998, “I didn’t mean to type BOOBS into yahoo, mom, I swear, I meant to type BOOKS” 

Honestly the game has good enough lore to support more games set in the universe, but “Hardspace” is just a real cringe of a word. 

Wonderful game but Hardspace: Shipbreaker deserves a mention here.

This is the dumbest fucking dystopia I’ve ever heard of.