2) Leaving
2) Leaving
No publicly-funded automatic plastic sheet? Per usual, I would have thought taxpayers would’ve been on the hook for TARP-related payments.
I thought this was an article about defying stereotypes, but I just see another white man that can’t jump
If there’s one thing I learned in college, it’s that the more you put Jager down, the more likely Jager is to come back up.
Female or male, all answers should be Trombone Shorty.
The hipster eating the whole tamale was the least surprising story in a long time. The second I saw “tamale” I knew we were heading for a “he ate the entire thing, including the husk.” I made tamales for a cookout once and a few of the people had no idea and almost ate the husk.
Oh my god! I may be allergic to red! I am one of those people I hate!
They’re both terrible decisions. I give the edge to medium venison guy. Putting salt and pepper on it IN FRONT OF THE CHEF? That is so so bad. It’s not even the way it was ordered that is the worst part. Salting and peppering something without even tasting it is insulting, much less covering the damned thing. My drunk…
r/trollxchromosomes forever!!! seriously it is my favorite place on the internet!
Yes, the poor sexist manbabies who have taken up days of protest over the unfair firing of a woman by a woman who falsely claimed gender discrimination and made a mockery of such a claim thereby setting back the ability of all women who actually suffer such discrimination to make such claims without seeming like…
No. Rooney is just another one of those Three Lions players who think they are God among men because they play in the EPL. But, regardless of that “pedigree”, they continue to give up and lay down in big matches at the World Cup. So yes, it’s a diss on Rooney and a rightful diss on his ineptness when wearing an…
This is not a good day for England.
The Cleveland of sports nations. National export is Sadness.
To be fair, we give Wayne Rooney shit about his hair plugs all the time.