Thanks, Deadspin, but we already know that Indians always win the Spelling Bees
Thanks, Deadspin, but we already know that Indians always win the Spelling Bees
Especially 20 miles east. Fuckin sharks, man.
The fucking LeBrons or whatever
Yes, how dare a guy speak up against a stupid, broad generalization without getting dismissed with an ignorant hashtag. You’re right, it is 2015. Grow up.
Yeah! Women are empowered
To be fair, your gif features a player who shortly after this slip-up signed to play in MLS.
An entire league that plays with Yakety Sax in the background.
“That’s bullshit. That was a fucking flop if I’ve ever seen one.”
Amazing bicycle kick!
Also, just as feminist as Lena too.
Do you think you’re a good actor?
The 1999 USA women’s team srimmaged the U17 boys national team and got their asses kicked regularly. Women’s soccer sucks.
No biological reason for this difference? Are you serious?
People REALLY don’t understand the physical differences between men and women. And then get mad when you point them out. Like somehow having knowledge of the effects of testosterone is sexist.
I think the lack of speed factors into it. Its harder to sell penalties in a slower game, and the game is moving so fast that trying to muscle through a borderline foul is useless as the ball is already past you.
This is 100% true and the only people who would deny this are people who don’t watch both. I prefer the men’s game for obvious reasons but the women embellish and bitch and moan so much less.
One thing I’ve noticed that is a huge difference from the men’s game, is that overall, the players do not go to the ground as often. I don’t know if it’s a chip on their shoulder or something, but they don’t go down as easy. Their grit makes up for the lack of speed during the games.
Not the first German wall to be questioned by someone grandstanding.