Sitting next to a black person or June basketball?
Sitting next to a black person or June basketball?
WEST: (leaving) Well, enjoy the game. (beat — to Elaine) I think you better take off that Orioles cap.
I work as a comedian, and there’s plenty of material still out there to work with. It does have an effect though. It makes you less willing to try material that deals with sensitive issues. Ten years ago I might approach something at a few open mics, maybe get some negative feedback and either drop it from my act or…
TBH I don’t disagree with Jerry Seinfeld. I don’t think what he’s referencing is “killing” comedy (that’s an overdramatic characterization; if it was, then why do comedy movies draw millions, comedy TV shows draw millions, comedy specials draw millions?), but I think a specific type of collegiate thinking is creating…
Couldn’t agree more. It’s also hard to draw that line between your work self and your sexy private self when your boss will text you late into the night and you’re expected to check your email before you go to bed. You never really feel like you’re off the clock, so it’s harder to slip into sex mode. The dissolution…
Agreed. Forcing a woman to perform a sex act she doesn’t like is a violation, but not if it is done to a man.
“What do you expect us to die of, old age?”— Uncle Hub in “Secondhand Lions,” to his nephew (coincidentally, named Walter). Cop: “I think they [Hub and the other uncle] were trying to fly through the barn, upside-down. Neither of them knew how to fly.” The now-grown Walter’s comment: “They died with their boots on.”
Nailed It!
Yeah, I really don’t see a down side. I don’t want porn in my life, but I’m not an evangelist about it so anyone who loves porn more than sex will never have a problem with me. If men prefer porn to sex, that’s fine. If women prefer vibrators [or porn] to sex, that’s fine.
That hill is one of the stupidest things i have ever added to a baseball field.
It’s beautiful
Naomi Wolf wrote an article for New York mag a while back complaining that women used to have a lot more power over men, but Internet porn destroyed that because many men now prefer porn to women. Seems like Ms Bushnell is complaining about the same thing.
I stare at my ceiling like this all the time and I’m like, “Is that a bug? Please god, don’t let it be a bug. Maybe that spot has always been there and I never noticed it before. It’s not moving. Wait, I blinked. Did it move? I think it moved. Is it staring back at me wondering if I’m a person?”
She’s also the girl who after her “slutty” (her word, not mine) friend found a long term boyfriend, she said “It’s obvious guys are only into her because she’s willing to sleep with them on the first date. She didn’t even graduate college. I mean, I’m a nice girl and I have an MBA and I can’t find a guy. Maybe I…
I weigh about 135 now and I am one of those girls who wants to lose 5 - 1olbs....let me tell you why!
Weight as a number is so goddamn misleading.
For another thirty grand Chuck Blazer will tell you which other World Cups he took bribes for.
Chuck Blazer Admits Taking Yearly Bribes Of Cookies And Milk From Hopeful Children The World Over
Just elope?