I totally get your point, when guys fight it can just be a simple fight no need to worry, when girls fight you know some serious shit is about to go down and it’s better to brake them up.
I totally get your point, when guys fight it can just be a simple fight no need to worry, when girls fight you know some serious shit is about to go down and it’s better to brake them up.
Remember when all of the “experts” said the Rangers were a horrible team that would spend 2015 in the gutter?
Did you say Joey Gallo? Gallo with a ‘G’? Joey Gallo is dead! I’m Joey Callo, C-A-L-L-O!
His third AB ended up a double as the ball was two feet low of clearing the fence. As a Ranger fan, I’ve never seen so much ooing and ahhing over foul balls.
That park is the worst. I still don’t understand how that got approved.
Astros fan here.
Antonin Scalia: The...voice of reason?
I feel funny inside.
OR: if you’re the sort of person who feels threatened by naked dicks, don’t go to a place with a shitload of naked dicks.
“...erections are for the most part involuntary...”
Are you a man? Have you ever had a penis? If not, you may not be qualified on the subject. IF yes, then I am confused to how your have never had a no-reason-boner or NRB.
I have a lower sex drive than the average dude and am not particularly sexual in nature. I have no idea how my ‘random boner frequency’ (or RBF!) stacks up against the ‘average’ male, but I suspect it’s on the less frequent end of the spectrum.
Considering the majority of erections one gets in a day are involuntary labeling this as harassment seems pretty silly and obnoxious unless he was leering at women and chasing them around
You rang?
If you think about it, any story about food is the beginning of a poop story.
It's bad and you should feel bad for liking it.
I don’t think of this as the “current iteration” so much as the same thing that happens in every other demographic: a handful of extremist idiots making the rest of us look bad.
Ashes to ashes; dust to dust; coffee grounds to Coffee Grounds.
Sepp Blatter: I heard ten Brazilian workers died for the 2014 World Cup.
Just goes to show that you can only be a corrupt organization for 111 years before it comes back to bite you
While FIFA and Blatter are awful, this is a lazy attack. Canada was the only country that bid for the WWC. They didn’t trick everyone at the last minute by revealing turf fields over grass. This was part of their bid. Wambach & co. waited far too long to attempt an absolutely stupid discrimination suit.