-- --- .-. ... . (AKA "Morse")

"In Nigeria, Boko Haram struck again kidnapping 91 people including 60 women and girls and 32 school boys."

A lot of the people in my family are jokesters who make each other laugh. My mom's unintentionally funny because of her personality quirks, so I'm always giggling at the stuff she says. I make my dad laugh all the time and I make other male family members laugh too. I tend to be comfortable joking around people I'm

I'm gonna go with sexism and the patriarchy. Lol


They aren't reducing abortion, they're restricting access to safe abortion.

Yeah, but believing that would indicate that all men are not the same. That is notallmen and thus evil derailment.

You do know that the boys who called the girls who sent them nudes sluts are not the same ones that called the girls who did not prudes. Men are not all the same so that is quite normal for some is not socially acceptable for others.

Sounds like a lot of Gawker posters.


You're just proving my point. Rather than be constructive, you just want to shout down people who don't agree with you.

Here is the problem:

It's not about the actual sex. Between poor, old school parenting, imagery they see in the media, and just plain old childish bullshit (literally, since most of the these guys are late teens/early 20s), these guys were:

Fuck outta here, Euroboy.

I'm 5'8" and I recently started dating a guy who's 5'7" and this thread was REALLY bumming me out. Thank you for your comment. That is all.

Yeah. I haven't talked to my dad in seven years, but he wasn't always a shithead. In fact, from birth until I was about... sixteen, he was actually a pretty good dad. He taught me how to cook, do laundry, fix my bike, change a tire, grow a garden, use power tools, how to sail, and also kinda acted like, "Mr. Mom"

Okay... this was way too punny and quirky-analogy-laden for me to get through.

I feel like I missed a memo or something. I think he's adorable!

We do have working jetpacks, it's just that they're horribly impractical in atmosphere. Useful in space though. But beyond the issues of fuel, not lighting your ass on fire and the fact that the human body is so not adapted to unpressurized rocket assisted flight, do you really want those other people in traffic to be

Anti-vaxxers, there is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of men for this treachery

She then proceeded to hand me back my debit card in a flirtatious fashion.