-- --- .-. ... . (AKA "Morse")

But, but it works in the Movies!!!

It probably never has worked. I'm sure guys do it just for a power trip. Many moons ago, I was also a front desk clerk, and there was a dispute about the rate; he wanted the rate for the smaller room. He was drunk, I'm sure, so I just gave him the rate, gave him his keys, blah, blah, and he said, you seem nice,

I don't know how true it is, but my friend said he knew guy who used to pull this one:

I could see it working if you had "just met" in the sense that you've at least had a drink together at the bar. But, yeah, I can't see how that would ever work with an employee you've just had a 30 second interaction with. Unless you're really convinced that the employee was eye-fucking you the entire time.

This could only possibly work if we are talking about an insanely hot guy. But as we all know, it's never the insanely hot guys who do stuff like this (hi, MRAs. I have no doubt you will misinterpret this).

Honestly, I think it's less expecting it to work and more being able to tell friends about it later. Like "look how creatively I don't get laid."

I worked front desk at a hotel and dealt with some almost daily harassment, what most men would call "flirting" but it was always unwanted. Once though really took the cake. I checked a man in and gave him his room key. "Can I have two?" he asked. "Uh, sure." Then he took the second one, handed it back to me and said,

I've said it before and I will say it again....the descriptions of his photo shoots sound like 90% of the photo shoots I've been on minus the mountains of cocaine and the mother of some 15 year old girl standing on the sidelines counting the cash.

Isn't anyone else miffed at the genderedness of the idea "creepiness"? I like the idea of a vouching system, but... why are only men subject to it? Women can't be creepy?

To be fair, from 1998 through 2000, even the Phillies didn't show up for their games.

The Yankees have been good and extremely competitive for every year of the survey. So it's not really a test of their fans' ability to stay loyal in hard times.

For years, scientists struggled to really prove, mathematically, why dividing something by 0 would make it undefined. Thank you Emory, you have done what was previously thought to be undoable.

Frankly, I don't trust any list that doesn't rank Cardinals fans as the most sensitive.

This feels like a mean thing to say, but people whose main focus seems to be on "working on" their appearance just strike me as being some of the most boring people alive.

I'm not weird: I was just drawn that way!

Not saying the income disparity doesn't exist, but these numbers seem very suspicious.

I'm going to trust the bureau of labor statistics which says 25-34 is like 90.3 cents not 73 cents.

Let me preface this by saying I believe that the wage gap exists and is something we should work to eliminate...

"After polling 1,600 millennials, the bank found that men ages 22-33 have a median household income of $77,000 whereas women only had a median household income of $56,000 — a mere 73% of what men were earning."

We're comparing apples and oranges and pretending they're both bananas.