-- --- .-. ... . (AKA "Morse")

There’s a stark difference between the two protected classes: African Americans are a minority population and, as such, can’t control political outcomes. Women, on the other hand, have absolutely every political avenue available to them. Whether they choose to elect representatives who actually represent their

First, Phyllis Schlafly relied on appeals to traditional gender roles in her campaign against the ERA in the ‘70s. Specifically, she scared people to death by pointing out that if we ratified the ERA, women would be subject to the draft. That argument would likely be less potent today, now that there’s a generation or

Oh, calm down.

There’s nothing wrong with your feminism. It’s absolutely valid to argue that the ERA would be legally redundant and even *gasp* patronizing.

Sure she could. Just do what Dolezal did and overdo the tan. Bad tan does not equate to blackface at all.


Meh. Talented people can be difficult people. If we were all nice and proper, the world would be a much more boring place.

“We all have our shallow pet peeves.”

Austin, TX, checking in. Flip-flops are the only thing us natives and our Californian transplants agree on.

That’s such a shallow thing to get upset about.

There’s less vomit and piss on the streets of California.

She’s an enormously talented player, but, Jesus, Wambach whines so much both on and off the field.

The Bulls do have one hell of an unofficial batting/pitching/spiritual coach, though.

The funny thing is that I was going on and on about how much I enjoy watching women’s soccer up to that point - not as much reliance on long passes to the corners, fewer fouls called on slides, less diving, etc. But, you say one thing that might be interpreted as negative...

I made this same exact point in a bar the other day. The woman I was talking to got really defensive about it. Somehow, I thought that the difference in speed was the most uncontroversial difference between the two sports.

She strikes me as the Rod Stewart type. I bet she dances wildly to “Maggie May” alone in her hotel rooms.

Dirk! Nash!

That’s a great pick. That just reminded me of another one:

I propose making a sarcastic campaign playlist for Ted Cruz. Feel free to jump in: