I’m pretty pleased with myself, tbh.
I’m pretty pleased with myself, tbh.
Disemvowled? Like “wht th fck ds tht mn?”
Some people see black and blue. I see white and comedy gold.
If you call opportunism a mental illness, sure.
Feelz, not realz.
Swing and a miss again! I’m not even mildly annoyed. Keep working on it; I’m sure you’ll get there someday.
Eh. Not enough xenophobia. 3/10 troll effort.
The problem is that there aren’t many people talking about suicide or any other issues that disproportionately impact men, at least not in the same way that “women’s issues” are discussed, wherein there’s a call for collective action. There are no national campaigns to combat suicide or alcoholism. But, there sure as…
KaSlice is saying that it’s kinda ridiculous that a social problem is only seen as a problem when it affects women. Male suicide rates have been this “obscene” for a long time now for both vets and non-vets, yet no one really gives a shit.
Tacking on to your excellent point, many of us guys acknowledge that our contribution to reproduction is staggeringly less than what women have to put up with. So, there’s an expectation that we often put on ourselves to provide for the family after conception as repayment for the woman having to, you know, actually…
I think it’s a stretch to say that “Simple Twist of Fate” is even remotely misogynistic.
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. There’s a small, yet ardent slice of each successive generation that seems to rediscover Dylan. I’m in my late twenties now and there’s plenty of people - Millennials, even - I know who fell in love with Dylan’s music back in high school and college.
What the hell are you talking about? Sex ghosts?
Ah, that’s bullshit. If I were to say the same about women, you should get rightfully pissed. If they can serve hard time in prison or join the military, they’re men - immature men, sure, but men nonetheless.
I attended an institution for two years where social life absolutely revolved around Greek life. Granted, I was able to make friends as a GDI (God-Damned Independent), but it wasn’t easy by any stretch. I decided to transfer after my sophomore year specifically because being non-Greek on that campus came with some…
Good comedians start off as bad comedians, though. So, there is a concern that a culture driven by internet outrage will stifle burgeoning comics by making it too risky to tackle certain topics.
Girls are not blameless. She seems like she has a shitty personality.
Damn. I need a yard. This + a case of beer = a damn good weekend.
A few years ago, a 55 year-old man named John C. Hughes led local police in Butte, Montana in a car chase simply because he “always wanted to do that”.
Excellent point.