Dave’s not here, man.
Dave’s not here, man.
Of all the future tech that has been immortalized in Hollywood films over the decades, nothing seems to captured sci-fi geeks’ (of which I am one) imaginations like the hoverboard.
So Motley Crue is Slurms McKenzie?
500 Days of Salt
Can we spend the time talking with you about enlightening subjects like how much the beer at Yankees Stadium costs?
I’m a fan of the Why Your Team Sucks series, but every year, it’s the Redskins entry that makes me happiest. As a DC resident, it’s mandatory reading.
I heard, and I think he’s a great fix (him and Nightwing, in fact.)
What Cyborg needs is just for them to continue his story. He should either be leading the Titans or graduated up to the Justice League. He’s a solid team player who understands the ins and outs of being a superhero, and his years of experience plus his technological advantages make him a solid core to any team.
Seriously, Chelsea readily looks like Bill’s kid, especially now that she’s grown up.
I cried pretty mush the entire way through. In time, it’ll be in the top five lists.
The Incredibles is a really solid film, actually. Lots of adult themes, great characters, family drama, etc. Definitely top five, but damn Pixar for making the choice that hard.
end of the list.) Lava
This is a great example of why journalism is so important.
I was hoping for more details on the secret lunch, but sadly, no news there.
Or that Cruise is hella gay. You know, whichever.
Her relationship to the Ice King cemented me as a fan of hers.
The Onion headline: