
Can’t tell if troll or serious

If it’s accepted, then both are proper. Welcome to the modern world.

My father-in-law’s friend heard I was selling my old car, so he said he’d buy it as a starter car for his son. I’d never met him, but sure. He lives in southern Maryland, so when he shows up at my place *the first two sentences* out of his mouth are about how nice my neighborhood is, which he then theorizes is

Let’s get to the important part of this: where do I go to fund this ‘retarded wizard in the forest’ movie? It sounds phenomenal.

Having been witness to a similar event before, it’s only the first few minutes of the raid that are exciting. Then there’s a *lot* of standing around waiting for evidence to be boxed up and everyone to get interviewed to see who knows what and has what on hand.

I think the guy responsible for assembling the Avengers Initiative while running a global spy organization could spent his newfound retirement putting together a list of former SHIELD agents that he trusted to put a single staffed Helicarrier (hidden off the books, of course, for emergencies) in the air.

That is entirely valid, but hey, rich people, amirite?

Nope. We can absolutely judge the final product they presented on the big screen.

Did the movie we got feel smaller and more intimate to you?

It’s the problem with the latter Harry Potter movies. There’s just *so much* they are trying to cram onto the screen and edited down into one already-long movie that everything feels rushed, scenes feel too short, and crucial information like the above is easy to miss (and all too often is given in exposition, instead

We saw Fury running around and doing his thing off the books in Winter Soldier, and even saw him earlier in Age of Ultron, so I didn’t think it was that surprising to have him show up during the grand finale of the movie at all.

Stark has been *the* central character to the MCU up to this point. No question. And he’s also been the go-to robotics and supertechnology guy as well. Bringing in Pym could have worked if he was a minor character, but it was a lot more meaningful *in the context of the MCU, past and future* to have Stark as the

But to get pissed off more about the fact they didn’t do any action figures or movies for her is stupid and counter productive.

Given how the MCUhas grown from the beginning, the one change I completely agree with is leaving out Hank Pym. You don’t have to like that it’s the Stark Show, but at least it’s consistent.

Because Kinja, my friend. Because Kinja.

We heard you back in 2012!

An hour. He was in custody for an hour at most. And he was rushed to the trauma center after being transported to the police station, so whatever happened happened during the interaction with the police or in police custody in the vehicle.

Whereas I will sell my Mod Buster Buster Buster, to bust your Mod Buster Buster.

Yeah, ethics in gaming... wait, this is actually ethics in gaming journalism. Damnit.

I’ve always appreciated their hands-off approach to God, actually. Yes, he favors the archangels. No, he didn’t really seem to charge the angels with any particular mission to eliminate the other monsters and demons and what have you. He’s more conspicuous by his absence in the show what he does and more importantly