More unpopular opinions: showing up to trash an author you dislike in a comments section about that author says more about you than about the author.
More unpopular opinions: showing up to trash an author you dislike in a comments section about that author says more about you than about the author.
"They may as well bring in Alan Cumming to introduce the game while standing next to a fireplace."
That's an important takeaway as well!
But not one of those racist kittens, though. They're just jerks.
The Internet wasn't a force when the allegations against Cosby surfaced either.
The Clinton accusations were addressed a long time ago. The only reason to bring it up again now is to smear him by association with the Cosby allegations. Not remotely the same.
The differences between the Clinton allegations and the Cosby allegations are dramatic, and it is only the partisan crowd that has taken up the challenge to link the two.
It's still sexism, you know.
I hope they are caught and charged with making terrorist threats. Because that's what this is.
If only there was a shorter way to talk about a stereotypist who is stereotyping based on race...
Heh, that was going to be #3!
So why do you get to decide what is an acceptable joking matter for her? This goes both ways.
I didn't think it was a complicated question. The threat of harrassment (being called a slut if they say yes, being called a prude if they say no) or, you know, rape, seems to outweigh the benefit of any benefit you might see in such an imbalanced power situation. It's like being asked out by your boss at the office.…
And how could it be bad for them?
The girls being asked by the seniors, how could it be a good thing for them?
What possible benefit could there be for the girls involved?
From the article?
"It may have been perverted over the years"