
I love reading about them, because I will never put in as much work as the people who make it their mission to follow these dreams.

Match Point was good. I think.

Do his credit, that is the kind of thing I would want to know about someone before I started dating them.

Do you have any opinions on mudkips?

"I enjoy this motorcade and will recommend it to my niece."

Marvel has proven that they can make stars out of even secondary characters. Look how excited people are for Guardians, and that's a tiny book. Iron Man has hardly top tier until the movie came out on the Big Screen. So, again, whether or not they are female characters is irrelevant.

My point was, you are saying it is an issue of gender only when it's a female lead.

Catwoman and Elektra were terrible movies. Terrible. I didn't see DC decide to stop making male-lead comic book movies after Green Lantern failed.

Yeah, female-lead movies never make as much money, which is why the Hunger Games was such a huge bomb. And Buffy was never popular, or Xena. And Captain Marvel has been such a disappointment to Marvel. And none of the female characters on Game of Thrones have any fans...

INTERVIEW TIP: if they ask you about a hypothetical situation where you see a tortoise on the road, they're not interviewing you for a job, they're actually trying to tell if you are a replicant or not.

I think you're really stretching here.

...Why would they be involved?

Well, you're welcome to your beliefs. We'll see soon enough.

The South will not vote for any Democratic candidate anyways, so who cares what they think?

That's different than what you asked, sure. But realistically, who on the Dems side would go up against her? I don't think Warren is ready, and I don't think Biden thinks he can win. Allen might try, but he should know better than to bother.

No, I meant Rand, not Ron. His views are too outside the mainstream of the Republican party, and the more he talks, compared to a more 'mainstream' conservative, the more he will get boxed in.

Yeah, no. Rand Paul can't shake the air of crazy.

Clinton has a better than fair chance of winning the Democratic primaries, and thusly securing the nomination. And so far she is a pretty good match against the majority of potential Republican candidates. It's all a bit ballpark this early on, but the numbers give her a decent start.

That's.... a longshot.