All I see is a failed high five. Awkward!
All I see is a failed high five. Awkward!
When it comes to whether biological observation would find this taboo - the answer is a resounding NO. Humans are very strange in trying to deflate and hide our sexual behaviors. We are so prudish and it’s strange because our closest primate relatives absolutely are not. I see no problems with your relationship if you…
I’m curious about the emotional aspect of coitus in the animal kingdom. Do they experience things like performance anxiety? Do we observe weaker, but still aggressive animals having more sex than their stronger cohorts?
Oh, I’m sure he’s down there in the bat cave alright. But is he any good? (I'll take my answer off the air, thanks)
Turns out all they saw was just the tip of the iceberg.
Getting exercise is good, allegedly, and there are good and bad people who enjoy every form of exercise. Some forms…
Link to a tweet that shows that the big eye moves.
Oh how I envy you. That first hour of “this is kinda hard, what’s all the fuss about?”. The second hour of “this is alright I guess”. The third to hundredth hour where you tie your hair into a half pony tail and witcher the fuck out of everything.
or maybe stop giving your child Starbucks?
“If I were on that flight, he might not have been so lucky, I’m a big fan of chokeholds. I also know my way around IV medications, so he’d have a nice nap all the way to jail.”
Thanks Tumblr!
I wonder if he had to evenly distribute his pocket storage before attempting the hoverboard.
Wait, I’m calling bullshit that you were able to get a Platinum Plan in the private marketplace for a family of 4 for $250. Unless of course you’re talking about BEFORE you started working as a contractor and your employer was paying for most of it.........
Where the hell did you find a $250/mo platinum level plan that covered 4 people? That’s what I paid for a mid-low tier plan for just myself when I left my job back in 2009-2010. $250 for a family would have been a ridiculously good deal. I had a buddy who paid over $1,000/mo to cover his family of 4 when he started…
Its like most things.. you can’t FORCE doctors to change.. because they are greedy.. and since its PARTIALLY implemented (due to in most cases political pressure).. of COURSE they are not going to accept it.. Guess what, a lot of doctors don’t take Medicare.... and all doctors CHOOSE which Insurance they will accept…
With Elite Dangerous already out and No Man’s Sky on the verge of release, Star Citizen’s scale has been rendered moot. It’s only real advantage at this point is a story-driven single-player campaign. And that’s a paltry justification for the absolutely enormous budget (unless it’s the best video game story ever).