seriously, and sleeping babies!!!
seriously, and sleeping babies!!!
the only reason they ever got away with it and rice burners didnt is because of that good old american saying
airwolf YAS!!!
Stupid Call, THANKS TRUMP!
uh... nowhere in the history of man, have people been racists to whites to the point near annihilation and extinction, EXCEPT OTHER WHITES...
it would have been worth it lmao
their parents will exclaim, “and thats why im a republican!”
no screw that, whites have a history of making minorities “examples”
those students should be forced to study nothing but real american and native american history until they are eligible to graduate
hope those haoles choke
steal their land and then discriminate on them... how MURICAN!
I hope this is sarcasm, because if it isnt you got some learning to do and less whitesplaining....
so its like the avocado that hate loved an older more disgusting avocado?
Thats your cue kenny g!!!
Kinda want
Here is a simple way of increasing Outlander sales...
Potus, is that you? lmao