
Dealership should have checked before selling the car, because false advertising. Buyer should have checked before buying

looks like its up to the dealership to pay for the difference then

soooo, who saw my nudes and tapes? lol

So much so this!

I think it helps. There is also laundry on site, showers, maseuses, massage chairs, small medical clinics, “tech stops” to pick up little odds and ends so you dont have to run to frys or best buy, and yea, there are pool, ping pong tables, rock walls, and even a bowling alley. I have to say, i dont see anyone abusing

I work there and i didnt know about these mailing lists! Lmfao



I appreciate your view on party loyalty and your ability to recognize who would have been a better potus.

Stings a bit, but there are some good takeaways for the dubs...

I find that when news outlets do what you mentioned and talk about the family, the perps life or whatever equal to whitesplaining...

damn, this is parallels the crazy that Scientology tries to teach!

Churches need money,

American terrorism

When it comes to real world things, Pop and Kerr are the most awesome coaches in all of sports today.

seriously, if it werent for her flat-earthy ideas, trump would have never gained traction...

but thats how right winger criticize their own

maybe hes getting soft in his old age, being a an uptight right-winger must take a lot of effort and may have finally taken its toll on him

maybe soon teachers will start charging by the lecture, like a seminar or something....

this is the sad truth,