
Yea, I kind of like LinkedIn. It also makes the boomers behave, because they're not posting a shit ton of shared click bait

We shall yell at the clouds in solidarity.

A job listing for the Ford Motor Company on LinkedIn, the worst social media platform,

I constantly look shit up via the search bar, but I’m not sure I’d want it below my dock, either. I already accidentally hit dock icons. I’d just end up accidentally triggering the search bar over and over again.

I guess that’s why Honda came out with this:

Yeah, Del Sol was alright. But it had to compete with this

Del Sol is nice and everything, but come on...

My university is having a similar issue - they have accepted a $100K grant from The Weinstein Foundation that is going to go toward something in the Women’s Studies department and now there’s all this hand-wringing about whether or not the school should give it back. To what end? I say take his money, man. Take all of

I find Smith’s claims of ignorance a bit more believable than some given how much of a Hollywood outsider he was/is.

Haha indeed How to forget Miyazaki’s comment to his son’s movie “It’s good that he made one movie. With that, he should stop” Savage!

“We got another donation from Kevin Smith. A check, plus a dozen oversized hockey jerseys, five pairs of calf-length board shorts, and ten ‘Clerks II’ baseball caps.”

You know a rapist. Statistically, you know several rapists.

My guess is that Smith, like everyone in the industry, especially those that were involved directly or indirectly with Miramar, knew what was going on and chose to ignore it for the sake of their careers. While the actresses involved were the direct victims, there were many indirect victims; those who, had they have

Why the fudge does the Civic always get to be cool...

There is literally no piece of clothing you can put on your created coach that doesn’t contain the word “Nike”

wow... most importantly it has the GREEN DECAL! that is single passenger carpool lane! bloody hell... this dude is genius

Remove those stickers and it quickly becomes a 143hp DX.

“You got out-dragged by that stock Civic Si?”

Truly, no other game in existence more accurately captures the immersive experience of looking at a nuanced and detailed rendering of the Bose® SoundComm B30 Headset.

This is where I was introduced to Madden 18's “Moments” mode, which allows you to fast-forward games to only the most critical of junctures…