
Now they need to hit them with a fine for using software to artificially reduce battery life in everything from iPhones to Macbooks.

Good. Their excuse was BS to begin with. Battery, blah blah blah. In reality, we all know it was to push consumers to buy new and send their revenues up. Defending Apple in this case was idiotic. If anything, $27mil is nowhere near enough. Should be at least double that. 

Yea, I kind of like LinkedIn. It also makes the boomers behave, because they're not posting a shit ton of shared click bait

We shall yell at the clouds in solidarity.

A job listing for the Ford Motor Company on LinkedIn, the worst social media platform,

If you have to go to your company’s diversity training, keep your mouth shut!

Am I missing something (article got repetitive and is way long for a simple point) or does this article read like Google is trying (but failing) to apply rules equally? Guy got fired for talking against women and minorities and another got reprimanded for indicating favoritism towards women and minorities. Seems

Why can they get free food instead of,you know, working? Why can they use the gym instead of, you know, working? Why do they have arcade machines instead of, you know, working?

I constantly look shit up via the search bar, but I’m not sure I’d want it below my dock, either. I already accidentally hit dock icons. I’d just end up accidentally triggering the search bar over and over again.

I guess that’s why Honda came out with this:

It was a small shot. But the fact that you didn’t blindly follow party like the vast majority of republicans I know gives you a star.

Yeah, Del Sol was alright. But it had to compete with this

Not sure if you are trying to take a shot at me or not, but I voted for HRC. I give zero fucks about party loyalty. She was simply better for the country in terms of stability and experience even though she annoyed the hell out of me. But part of being an adult is putting up with annoying people for the greater good.

Del Sol is nice and everything, but come on...

I find it terrifying how many people were “ok” with voting for him in the first place, moderate republicans included....

Haha indeed How to forget Miyazaki’s comment to his son’s movie “It’s good that he made one movie. With that, he should stop” Savage!

Why the fudge does the Civic always get to be cool...

wow... most importantly it has the GREEN DECAL! that is single passenger carpool lane! bloody hell... this dude is genius

Remove those stickers and it quickly becomes a 143hp DX.

“You got out-dragged by that stock Civic Si?”