Now playing

I prefer the Chevron way vs the pixar way...

too bad they couldnt “turn around” their sales numbers bright eyes...

still the best looking mistu ever...

why am i not surprised... carolina... and bank of america stadium...

Goth trump lmao!

it is your duty to destroy him....

Male entitlement

so much so this!

we need to get their leader first...

im not a violent man, but i would have one inch punch this dork while he was up on the counter, and then kicked him like beckham on a soccer ball...

dont call them nerds, they lack the social societal skills to be clustered wigh nerds...

so sadly true...

bwahahah to be a cool person with taste and intelligence of which the standards are defined by a cartoon... oh what a time to be alive! X_X

they must be wayyyy to y0ung to really get the simpsons...

Comments from jalops will be the best comments

so you mean to tell me, they want to cover up police misconduct...

Instead of doing what the GOP wants and reduce tax brackets down to 3 from 5, we should have more tax brackets, 9 to 10 with the top tax bracket being taxed a significantly higher percentage than the bottom 3 lowest COMBINED

Mansplaining, whitesplaining etc.... - well deserved words.

sorry, WHOLEFOODS got that beat by a country mile!!!

yea, thats odd.... I would set up my meetings at coffee shops.