Coffee Is For Closers Only

Guys need something to drive after they murder their ex-wife and some random waiter dude because they feel inadequate. Ford is on the job.

In 2009 we could have rented two bedrooms in our house for huge $$ (tell the kids to throw some sleeping bags on the floor in the basement, we’re talking college tuition money here).

If George Michael had been an athlete, a scout would have described him as having “all the tools, but no tool box.” His talent was incredible, and undeniable, yet undone by long periods of bad judgment and mental illness. Dig up the old video of the Freddie Mercury tribute concert from 1992 and you can see he was the

The NCAA and its member institutions sure get all law-and-order when it’s (1) a female and (2) a non-revenue sport involved in any incident of questionable judgment.

The doping in triathlon is at the AG level. Interest in the sport is far deeper than it is wide. We have successful, wealthy participants who attach incredible significance to qualifying for Kona and then racing well there. Combine that with financial resources and the sky is the limit.

Tesla alone is now selling 25k vehicles per quarter, and that number is only going up. The Model S crushes its competition from Audi, BMW, even Mercedes. Yeah, I know it’s only one niche (compared to Ford selling 500k F series dinosaurs per year), but it’s a question of ‘when’ not ‘if’ at this point.

Everyone in hockey knows dudes in their 60s and 70s who still put their skates on for shinny or beer-league with their boys at the local rink. Football players in their 60s or 70s playing touch down at the park? Next one I see will be the first.

I got $5 that says fewer than half of the members of the MLBPA have any idea who Curt Flood was; anyone want the other side of that?

Michigan alumn here. We lost this game (as opposed to OSU winning it), AND we got fucked over. Both true. Only question now is who will wipe the field with Ohio State in the playoff?

Has anyone told Mike Ilitch that he actually died in 2006?

You think officials are bad? Wait until a county judge gets her hands on this. Be careful what you ask for here, you might get it.

3.0 liter TDI owner here (2014 Audi A6). We have not been offered squat yet.

“Fear the Turtle” especially if he’s packing.

As a Nats fan, I was almost sympathetic watching a once-great team like the Braves go through their nuclear winter of a season in 2016. Then I come back to this stadium rape, their corporate welfare, and I hear that racist chant during games and any sympathy evaporates.

My God, just when my running buddies had stopped wearing their stupid fucking “Boston Strong” shirts, because we all know that nothing bad has ever happened to anyone else, ever. Part of me has always admired the way Oklahoma City took a hit oh, about 1000x worse than Boston ever did and went about their business

I’ve represented guys at sentencing (who knew they were leaving out the backdoor in handcuffs) who looked happier to be where they were.

Is there some alternate universe where we can just have Baylor play Penn State 12 times every season and the rest of us can root for a tornado to hit the stadium?

Kassouf is everything awful about live tournament play. In a cash game if he sat down I would just stand up and walk away. Problem is that he built a game to maximize his return on investment and it made it suck for everyone else (including TV viewers).

Is there anyone who played online poker (2003-2011) who did NOT see this coming?

Congrats to everyone in Happy Valley. This should make it all better for a few days or so.