Coffee Is For Closers Only

Anyone comparing this to Buckner should stop watching baseball now. This kid charges the ball because he needs to give himself a shot at Stevenson (the tying run) at home, and the runners broke on contact because 2 outs. He didn’t help himself with the route, then the ball takes a weird hop and he’s screwed. He’s only

Who knows? Maybe even Brent Musberger might admit that calling them “black skinned storm troopers” was a bit over the top?

Maybe there’s a different standard for smart, white quarterback types instead of, you know, field hands?

“This is the business we have chosen.”

Giving that theory the benefit of the doubt for the moment, an officer would need probable cause to arrest someone for the commission of that crime. Where is probable fucking cause here? I used to practice in Maryland courts and i can testify that ive seen plenty of lawyers who could barely walk upright and never

Everything you love will be taken from you.

This. It’s easier to swallow that some dipshit ref on a power trip tried to screw this kid over; it’s much tougher to accept that the adults who can’t STFU about being leaders and molders of young men rolled right over for this.

1. Late hit. 2. Blindsided 3. Low-conflict area (player making breakout pass from defensive zone is a low-priority threat compared to, say, a player in the other team’s goalkeeper’s face). I was at the game sitting not 100 feet away looking right at it and my ref-brain kicked in when I saw it that it was a 5 & GM kind

Well of course you are correct. It would be much more efficient to tax the motherfuckers like we used to.

There are plenty of used Tesla Model S’s available in the world at his price point and below.

Now playing

Here’s an important lesson for all of our children, one I’m guessing Kobe would have benefitted from. Clear eyes, full hearts, don’t rape.

It’s still price fixing. It’s still a monopoly controlled by the NCAA, for the NCAA. It sucks.

“You may have read the media reports today tied to our company culture. We want to make it clear to all of you that racism has no place at Papa John’s,” according to the memo obtained by Bloomberg News.

When I arrived as a freshman at a Big 10 school (Not OSU) in the 1980s the biggest surprise to me was how completely the scholarship athletes lived their lives under the domination of the athletic department and their coaching staffs. It seemed that every moment of their lives was somehow choreographed by the AD in

Looking for the words “Existential threat” in the League’s language here, because that’s what head-trauma represents to the entire sport of football. This sport is beginning a long, slow but inevitable spin down the drain of American society. People simply don’t want to watch other people give each other brain damage

Did Barack Obama ever track down Daniel Snyder to help him grieve over the removal of his soul? I don’t think so.

Ok, here’s a dumb question: does he pay for the education of any boy or girl who’s not so good at sports? I’m sure the St. Frances community would benefit from the presence of just a few kids who were good at chemistry or the oboe.

I made the mistake of seeing Joey Kocur’s punching hand while he iced it in the penalty box at JLA late in a season. Think looked like Kilauea does this week.

Marginal tax rates during the Eisenhower administration were 90%. I think it’s time to have that conversation again.

This is how things generally go when you ask the people who benefit the most from the status quo whether things should change.