
“A new cinematic trailer for the game showed a group of treasure hunters fighting against what could be demons, or private equity executives.”
Literal spit-take. I’ll send you the bill for a new keyboard since this one got coffee on it.

My biggest complaint (besides missions not working right when in coop if someone else did it), is the stupid level system shoe-horned into the game.

Cause god knows, when I think “Fallout” I think “raids”.

Last year, Gizmodo Media Group editorial had layoffs. But because we’re unionized, we were able to get a seat at the table to ensure that we were all kept informed, and we convinced our parent company Univision to instead offer buyouts, allowing those who wanted to leave the company to leave by choice (with 4 months

“Why even try to fight back when there’s a chance you’ll lose?” is not an argument that has ever served anyone well.

Everyone needs to unionize. Everyone. Every single person needs to be in a union.

Because a certain political party has demonized Unions, kind of like everything else.  Unions were what made a middle class in this country and gave us fair working conditions in America.  

Just all boycott the game already to show them we DON’T want a multiplayer online Fallout, especially one that is clobbered together using this 6 years old engine

Primal is hugely underrated. The fact very few replies to my own comment acknowledge it, makes me feel a whole ton of people slept on it. Which is a shame. It’s probably the best one, if not my personal favorite.

Yeah same. I foolishly bought this season pass (I very rarely do anymore) for this reason. Blood Dragon was so much fun it’s causing me to make bad decisions 5 years later.

Well that’s a shame, this was the only DLC I was remotely interested in. Plus, I figured we’d be playing as the guy you help teleport into space, the one who leaves the funky microwave shotgun when you’ve finished the mission

Farcry 5 has completely soiled my enjoyment of the series. The main story was made to be invasive and annoying, not to mention vapid and weak-willed. The online suite is flaming garbage. The co-op has not made any significant strides. The DLC seems, thus far, like they left the good ideas on the cutting room floor.

Aw, crap. I was hoping this one would recapture that Blood Dragon feeling, but it sounds like the setting is a crutch for some unimaginative gameplay.

I’m not so excited about Avatar 2 but I would definitely be excited about another movie from James Cameron, even if it is Avatar 2. I know Avatar played things incredibly safe with its generic plot and character types, but I still enjoyed it theaters and every time I’ve stumbled across it on TV. So yes I would

Anyone with even a passing interest in action movies should have learned one simple rule by now: Never bet against James Cameron.

This guy clearly deserves to be the next GOP Speaker of the House - he’s been living the Hastert Rule since well before he entered Congress. 

Online Co-Op could work. I’m really hoping there’s a full single player though

Yeah, that would be okay. I love Fallout but have zero interest in either MMO or a larger, more involved version of Shelter.

“we hear it’s an online game of some sort.”