How is this game for a casual single player who liked “Wildlands”?
How is this game for a casual single player who liked “Wildlands”?
Another example: How on earth would you “flip” that monstrosity you see in the picture up top with the story?!?
Is there an actual recipe anywhere? This is very … vague. A list of ingredients, with no indication as to pan size, temperature/heat, length of time, etc... is not a recipe. Maybe a video?
I have this frustration with almost every pancake recipe I’ve ever seen. They just say “cook on a griddle”. Um... any CLUE as to…
Walnuts in brownies render the brownies utterly worthless except as compost. STOP DOING THIS.
I’m convinced every one of those guys talking in the video is actually a robot.
FC2 was very good (but had many annoying bits). FC3 was a great refinement (but still had annoying bits and the boss fights were kinda stupid). FC4 was pretty awesome. Primal was amazing considering there were no guns, and is easily my favorite of the series. FC5 started out fine, I liked about the first 3rd, then it…
It’s an amazing over-sight if they don’t connect to that at all...
If it’s not available on Xbox, it pretty much doesn’t exist to me. Sad.
The main problem with FarCry 5 is that the ending is so bad, it retroactively makes the rest of the game far worse.
The “boss fights” in FarCry3 are notoriously terrible.
I think FarCry: Primal is my favorite FarCry.
My ranking in order (and I may quibble with my own order at times):
FarCry: Primal
FarCry: 4
FarCry: Blood Dragon
FarCry: 3
FarCry: 2
FarCry: 5
FarCry: 1
FarCry: 5 would have ranked a lot higher if it weren’t for that stupid ending, and the over-borrowing (quite badly) from Just Cause 3. Also, if they had encouraged you to go…
Chicago would be cool. Seattle would be more geographically diverse and interesting. And somewhat close to all the action in Alaska.
Oh god no. I just want Fallout 5: Seattle. I want a single-player open-world game. Ugh.
I dunno. I loved the “burn the fields of pot” mission that had you getting higher and higher as you did so... all to a great sound-track. I also liked the mushrooms in the cave bit. I feel like the ‘drugged out’ missions in previous installments were more organic and well thought out, and less “magical”. Even in Far…
“Trump Derangement Syndrome” is actually people who support Trump. Those are the deranged ones. It’s sort of the opposite of Obama Derangement Syndrome and Hillary Derangement syndrome.
My biggest problem is the “hold X to switch guns”. I almost never want to swap a gun for what’s just lying around. Yet that same button is also used to talk to people you meet, and interact with the world, and to loot dead bodies. But for some reason the “swap your favorite weapon that you’re using right now with the…
After you go west, and complete John Seed’s region... which region do you recommend next? I don’t have any good feel for whether I should go north or east next...
Tons of false equivalency in your reply. Saucepans are common knowledge. I’d wager that MOST people had never heard of a specific product brand that was pretty much unknown before a few months ago. It wasn’t even clear from context that an “instapot” was a specific product. It was just a made-up word unless you…
Why make everyone google instead of including one line in the article to explain it. It’s a badly written article that assumes arcane knowledge on the part of all readers.