
Wolfenstein 2 is better in every respect than Wolfenstein 1. I hated the huge ‘boss fights’ of the first game. Those aren’t present here. It’s so much better in every way I can’t even start to explain how or why... it’s VERY worth your investment.

I had never heard of it before this. It’s certainly not as common knowledge as you think. Don’t be a dick. The article could have taken ONE WHOLE SENTENCE to explain what it was... it was poorly written to assume everyone was on the same page. I watch a ton of TV and read the internet a lot, and before this past

Nah. Just use a good old potato masher. Works perfectly as far as I’m concerned, and takes a ton less effort than anything else here.

Don’t even TRY to pretend that some new brand of kitchen item is even remotely as universally understood as “Cheesecake”. Asshole.

Well thanks for missing the point. Why assume everyone knows what this relatively new product is and NEVER ONCE MENTION IT IN THE ARTICLE? Would it have killed the author to spend two seconds typing one freakin’ sentence to explain what the thing they’re talking about IS? No, it would not have. Why force everyone to

What the fuck is an “Instant Pot”... an entire article and not a single indication of what this thing is. I’ve never heard of it. Is this supposed to be something that everyone “just knows”?

Papa John’s is crap pizza and the guy who runs it is a crap human being, and any sane person has been boycotting that crap company that treats its employees like shit for years already, but especially now. #BoycottPapaJohns

The rankings are not correct. Ugh, Papa John’s is the worst. In so many ways. #BoycottPapaJohns

Papa John’s is not only terrible pizza, he’s a terrible person with terrible politics, and every sane person boycotts that place.

So how does it compare to the Xbox One S? Where's the line-by-line comparison chart?

I had one (but not to go... are you insane? You eat it there!) and it was fine. Not at all like you say or show. Not great — still prefer a regular whopper — but I'd get it again maybe.

The tile could be white, and thus reflecting the color of the water (appearing light blue in the top, and greenish in the bottom). Just saying.

I just drove by a new Tesla building in Austin, TX this week... so they are obviously adding retail level presence. It wasn’t a HUGE building though, so I’m not sure if it’s a place you could go to service, but it does seem to be a retail touch point at least. Which is the first I’ve seen in this area.

If only they'd had one throw-away line about how they used alien technology to create the internet or something... that's all it would have taken!

If you don’t have a 4K TV, there’s no point in spending the extra money to get a Scorpio. This isn’t a difficult concept. For a standard HD TV, the scorpo would offer minimal to no benefit but at much greater cost.

There is one feature I wish they’d add... it’s a simple thing really but it drives me insane. I mistakenly sent a supply line to the wrong location and I’ve been unable to find any way to correct it. If there was some easy way to re-assign supply lines without having to track down the individual actually walking the

It will run all Xbox One games. And all games for Xbox "Scorpio" will run on Xbox One (just not in as high a resolution). Most all games for Xbox One will also run on PCs.

Interesting video on the origin of the word ‘Caucasian’

I don't recall ever running into him. I'll have to see if I can at this late stage of the game (completely finished). Or maybe I just killed him early on and don't remember...

My own review is basically that it’s not worth $60, but if you’re a Doom fan and don’t mind the slick-gliding-on-ice feel of the movement and the throw-back old-style FPS gameplay, it'd be worth a pick-up when it drops to $30.