What about two-player co-op with a friend?
What about two-player co-op with a friend?
I'm a single player guy. At MOST, I'll play co-op with one other person (I did much of Borderlands 1, 2, and the Pre-Sequel with one other friend). Please give me a good review of whether this game is worth buying for a single-player only guy who has ZERO interest in multi-player PvP or play with strangers.... thanks!
SO here’s the other issue nobody is talking about... the sun on the people in the back is going to make for some uncomfortably warm rides. Especially in the south. I'm not sure who thinks that's a good idea. I live in Texas, and I have a 'moon roof', and I can assure you I keep it closed during the summer because…
The USS Constitution quest line is also fun.
Well, I’m glad you have room in YOUR living room for all that crap. I perefer the XboxOne because 1) it is also a DVD player and fits nicely without adding anything extra, and 2) I never have to fiddle with the “input” on the TV... everything just works.
Well bully for you. But my PC is NOT in my living room. Nor is there room for it. And it's anything but silent. And it cost four times as much as an Xbox One. SO you know... glad you're happy, but your solution is not for everyone, and certainly isn't for me.
It's a superior experience in that I can play it in my living room, on my comfy couch, without haven't to get up and go to the office and sit in the office chair and play sitting up at the desktop computer that is capable of running FO4. And I can use voice commands, flip over to TV and back if I want, and the…
What a load of crap. Windows 10 doesn't ever install without you specifically clicking to approve the install. It never installs "on its own".
If it works on PC, it’s kind of weird it’s not also going to be available for Xbox One. Windows 10 + Xbox One are nearly the same platform in many ways.
I assure you it doesn't feel like that. I never would nave noticed if it weren't for this article.
Oh, they probably saved a lot actually. It gave them a good starting point, for them to take off running and get this game out only 18mos after the last game was released. Obviously they still did a TON of work, but it's a lot easier to start from a known base, than to start from a blank piece of paper.
I would have never really noticed, personally.
FarCry4 didn't take place in central Europe... in the beginning of FarCry:Primal, they make clear the setting is some mythical location in central Europe.
Dunno, FO:NV was pretty awful in all those categories (factions, and plot especially). It was also by far the most boring.
Dunno, FO:NV was pretty awful in all those categories (factions, and plot especially). It was also by far the most…
The point is, the visuals were as dull and drab as the game-play was. And the plot. And everything about this game. I cannot fathom why anyone would like this over the vastly superior Fallout 3 and even 4.
The point is, the visuals were as dull and drab as the game-play was. And the plot. And everything about this game.…
I’d pay 9.99 just for a DLC that shut him the hell up.
I’d pay 9.99 just for a DLC that shut him the hell up.
Couldn’t even finish Fallout:NewVegas, it was so boring and dull and tedious and ugly (everything some shade of dull brown, bleh). Worst Fallout game by far. Never gave a damn about any of the factions, or the main plot line. Frequently very frustrating and annoying. Gave up at some point because I was never having…
Couldn’t even finish Fallout:NewVegas, it was so boring and dull and tedious and ugly (everything some shade of dull…
Institute: Probably the “easiest” ending. You have to take out the Brotherhood and the Railroad.
Institute: Probably the “easiest” ending. You have to take out the Brotherhood and the Railroad.
I went back and looked at Fallout 3's DLC... FIVE story packs, all of which were great (Broken Steel, The Pitt, Mothership Zeta, Point Lookout, Operation: Anchorage). Compare this to ... basically ONE story-based DLC for Fallout 4, and it really seems kind of half-assed.
I went back and looked at Fallout 3's DLC... FIVE story packs, all of which were great (Broken Steel, The Pitt,…
... or maybe "Blood Dragon 2: Electric Dragaloo"?