I use bow-and-arrow and throwing-spear/shards for ranged attacks more than I use clubs. But I'm unaware of parry/block moves.
I use bow-and-arrow and throwing-spear/shards for ranged attacks more than I use clubs. But I'm unaware of parry/block moves.
The map is every bit as huge as the full FC4 game. I'm kind of surprised at the amount of content and the depth of play here.
I still want "Blood Dragon:2 ... the Bloodening"
I'm carrying around like 90 power cores... and still rarely use the power armor. In fact, I've been running around in the Grognak the Barbarian costume for most of the game because I literally haven't found much that's better. (I have studded leather armor for arms/legs, and a combat helmet).
Taco Bell is now my go-to place for Breakfast items.... their AM Crunchwraps are great, and their bigger breakfast burritos are awesome. They don’t get enough props for doing breakfast right.
In the first set of pics, notice the bush in front of (actually to the side of) the house that is present in one pic, but not the other.
The "Local" maps are particularly useless.
Well sure, CLEARLY it can be done. It's just highly annoying that they left that important part out of the video. And it didn't "subside like one" because they told you to butter the parchment so that when it did, it wouldn't crack or 'sink in the middle'.
Yeah. You go ahead and try to get a fluffy soufflé-like thing out of a rigid pan like that even if the SIDES are lined with parchment paper. I predict disaster. Which is why I snidely commented that they CHEATED by not showing the most relevant and difficult part... extracting the finished product so it can be…
NEVER seen or heard of 4" or 6" pans like that (and I do a lot of baking), but that’s sort of missing my point... did you watch the Video? That glass dish was not a spring-form pan.
Did you watch the video? I’m talking about the one they used in the video.
Did you watch the video? It was a 6" round glass pan. NOT spring-form. Which still begs the question about how they got it out of that pan.
I’ve never seen or heard of a 6" round baking pan.