
I think you completely misunderstood the point of that Hamm interlude, it was very clearly about the delusion of narcissism rather than anything to do with technology or Black Mirror. Technology and shadows in caves were just used as a means of illustrating the point.

I absolutely do say “sym-bee-otic,” and so will you if you want to live under this roof.

The world needs a talk show where Timothy Olyphant is always the guest and the host changes. I would be like the Jeopardy of talk shows.

Cheeseburger > Boomer. Fight me.

Ok I get that dogs are great and everything, but why is everyone ignoring the fact that you can have a pet dog AS WELL AS A PET MOUNTAIN LION AND ALSO PET HER!? Kotaku is so speciest

To go further with your point:

The plotting itself in Act 2 was pointless. What Rian Johnson was trying to do (I’m not sure I totally agree with his decisions) was take the usual harebrained Star Wars convoluted Hail Mary hero plan and make it fail. And fail spectacularly.

Dude, did you get the trophy for killing that one wanker during the audition sequence? I’ve never been so happy to get a trophy (for doing something that causes you to fail objective, no less!) and I was ever so grateful for the convenient checkpoint.

Just a quick PSA to anyone out there who hasn’t yet played Wolfenstein 2:

The most recent time I got Papa John’s, everyone was up in the middle of the night shitting and/or with severe stomach cramps. Also, it tastes like shit and their garlic sauce is actually made from rancid garlic-scented chemical cum.

Pizza Hut is greasy sugar-garbage. Papa John’s is made of equal parts composite pressed woodpulp, bigotry, and spite. Little Caesar’s gets graded on the curve because there’s no way anyone other than a mostly drunk college kid would eat it (source: used to be a mostly drunk college kid who’s best friends lived around

Wrong wrong wrong. There is no excuse for ranking Papa John’s first.

I greatly enjoyed the level, and the timepiece worked well, but it was the only level that frustrated me with a counterintuitive solution to a puzzle (at some point you MUST get the master key from someone, and if you do it too late it’s bothersome to get another one).

yea, mission 7 was great. Took me a bit to get the hang of using the timepiece but once I did, man what a cool level.

I agree, as good as Clockwork Mansion is I thought A Crack in the Slab was so much better.

While the Clockwork Mansion was amazing, technically I found Mission 7 - A Crack in the Slab to be the most complex and engaging in the game. It was simply beautiful how they managed the time manipulation element and let it affect the players gameplay. It blew me away more than the Clockwork Mansion. 

Damn stuff dilutes my booze man!

For everyone saying rinsing is the answer, every time you rinse you are exposing yourself to DMHO.

Agreed, I always played it with the structure already built.

I've been playing hangman wrong? You're the one who's talking about getting eleven guesses. When we played hangman the structure was always drawn before the game started (that's how you knew you were playing hangman when you silently got the piece of paper from your neighbor in class). So the number of guesses drops