
It also appears that Biebs is off the Proactiv train. Homie has some serious shine going.

If a woman is sick to the point where she’s being debilitated, that goes beyond morning sickness - that is a recognized medical condition for which tested medications exist. I think the article here is talking about women smoking to relieve the garden variety morning sickness common in pregnancy.

I have never understood how people do not recognize the parallels between weed and nicotine. Smoking - anything - creates a deficit of oxygen in your bloodstream and an increase in CO. That does not change regardless of what you are smoking.Smoking in general is not good for a pregnancy. I do not get how a person can

In reality, a small portion of the actual fluid is blood - but we tend to associate it with blood because, you know, it’s red. The fluid itself is primarily uterine tissue, along with water, regular secretions and a very small amount of blood. That is why, despite menstruating, women generally do not become anemic

I hate that song because it’s clearly aimed at Christians and I always feel insulted by it.

I couldn’t get past it because if it were real, I presume any person that ill would be hooked up to some kind of monitor that would react when the child’s heart stopped - and that IF his heart had in fact stopped while this man was holding him, the room would immediately have people in it. He said he continued to hold

True, but Obama reaaally didn’t help when he gave his little “red line” speech when he said “If Assad uses chemical weapons, that’s the red line” and then Assad DID and Obama...didn’t do anything. It was a serious misstep that sent the message that the US talks tough but wasn’t really going to do much to intervene.

I give not one flying whit about this store because it tries to kill me every time I must walk past one.

Because of narcissism. For a rapist, a victim means nothing. A victim is not really a person - she/he is merely a means to an end, and that end is the rapist’s personal enjoyment/satisfaction. You have to be able to see another person as less than you to do something like this. There have been very serious research

Because rape has little to do with the inability to find a willing partner. Most celibate people, even the most desperate among them, will never, ever resort to rape. If somebody is truly desperate, they are more likely to pay for it than anything else.

All due respect, but I don’t think you read the article. The whole point is that a “real liberal” has absolutely no freaking chance in Louisianna. There would be no point to running one there (it would be the equivalent of setting a dumpster of DNC money on fire). So the choice then becomes 1.) cede the state to the

It’s really terrible when we cannot trust the President to not be able to conduct himself with dignity and respect among victims of tragedy or war. Even if we had wound up with a President McCain or Romney, I’d still trust them both to be able to handle stuff like this. Just to illustrate how lousy Trump really is.

“All African-American persons” employed by Time Warner, CNN, and Turner Broadcasting in salaried or managerial positions from April of 1997 to now.”

Let’s face it - I don’t think Trump was very thrilled with Tiffany. Her mother was basically his side piece, she got pregnant, he married her two months after the birth, they were separated when she was like 3-4. I don’t think she was planned or particularly desired (by her father). It must suck to have to live that

Well, I’d qualify that by saying “some white people.” I think there is a dual issue going on here of race and class. One thing I generally like about Blackish is that it tries to attend to both - Dre generally will point out to the children that while they have challenges as black people, they live an upper-middle

I think there are different kinds of nepotism. There’s familial nepotism - looking out for your own - and I do not see racial issues there. Hell, my NA mother gave my sister a job as an admin in the sheriff’s office because my mom is the sheriff and she CAN (and she has no issue admitting this, but at least she went

Even IF this was somewhat true - are a bunch of church people the ones doing it? If Roof genuinely believed this, why not travel to a high-crime area and seek out some black “thugs” and kill them instead? He targeted the most vulnerable people he could find.

I think the difference is that, because all these people died in a Christian church, their Christianity was readily apparent, unlike the terror victims in your analogy. That’s the only real difference I can think of there.

What has always struck me about this guy is not how racist he is, but how much of a coward he is. He was scared of black people committing crimes? My husband pointed out a while ago that if Roof genuinely wanted to kill black “criminals” - why not drive to a high-crime area, find some black drug dealers on a corner

Hey, remember when people were freaking out about the potential chance that Myron Ebbrell was gonna head the EPA and how awful he was? This guy is worse.