
She knows deep inside she isn’t who she wants to be. And you are right, If I was famous, I would never go on social media or not have it at all. 

We got 99 problems and hair care ain’t one.

Say it louder for those in the back. 

He’s not “mentally ill” and not “off his meds” and he’s not in “the sunken place.” He’s an asshole who wanted attention. That’s it. Stop making excuses for this jerk. He fucked over the black community and he fucked over the LGBTQ community. He deserves what he gets.

The sheer volume shelf-space in US supermarkets and chemists dedicated to laxatives was my first culture shock arriving in the US.

Look everyone. I’m as horrified as the next person and I think that is the appropriate emotional reaction here, but can we all calm the fuck down about the “not calling it a hate crime yet” thing? Professional law enforcement does not go on TV and announce every single detail of a crime before they investigate the

BMW & Kellogg are refusing to advertise on Breitbart and they’re getting roasted for it on the right. We’re obligated to support them and other companies like them. I can’t afford anything BMW has to offer but I’m buying the shit out of Kellogg; their corn flakes were my fav as a kid and it looks like I’m back to

Hah! More of that libtard “arithmetic”! Next you’ll be citing “data”!

Something else to add to your list. I read that Native Americans are the second largest group killed by police in America, right after Blacks and before Latino Americans.

Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that other women are all about supporting survivors until it’s someone they know.

Let’s discuss better treatment for prisoners, better mental health support...but this is framed as though having a mental health issue in and of itself should qualify someone for release.

This number does not include transgender people whose deaths were not reported due to misgendering in police reports, news stories, and sometimes by the victim’s family.

Ughhh 16 years in this country and my mom still hasn’t learned. The first thing I told her after the results came in was “go to class”. I know how many times I’ve seen people be disrespected and insulted with “speak English, you’re in America” and it’s only gonna get worse. We were waiting until her 55th birthday next

I voted for Hillary.

You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate

He was crying because his country was dying before his eyes. Every time you take a bite of hummus, a bald eagle bursts into flame.

Because the Academy is dominated a bunch of self-indulgent, old, white-male filmmakers who are obsessed with appearing as intellectuals and "philosophers" above all else. That's why this year honored a bunch of movies about mildly uncomfortable white people struggling w/ "malaise" and aging. Literally, count 'em —