
Respectfully, what is shapewear if not restrictive? The whole point of it is to create a more aesthetically pleasing shape and contour. It does that by squeezing and confining certain parts of the body. If it did none of those things, it wouldn’t be shapewear.

Banks DO have the ability to hold your money for creditors. It’s called garnishment and it happens all the time. If you get sued and get a judgment against you, your creditor can get a court order stating that your bank needs to hold onto a sum sufficient to cover the judgment. A bank is a custodian of the funds, and

I’m sorry, but he is trying to cover himself. You could watch the livestream while he was on stage and HEAR, very clearly, shouting for help. If you could hear it on the livestream, he could hear it. He probably thought it was NBD. He also clearly saw the ambulance pushing through the crowd because he did stop

That means that if the DA goes ahead and charges him, the DA is being a very big meanie who is taking away this young man’s chances of going to college. It is a blatant attempt to make the other side into the bad party here.

I mean, I don’t begrudge her having social media, especially because now its so important to the business, but can she really not pay a SM Manager to handle that stuff? I know a woman who used to do it, and its pretty normal for celebrities to employ somebody to filter it. By admitting that they hurt her, she’s

Lizzo is one of the most visible “toxic positivity” / “good vibes only” people. She promotes not letting anything “negative” into your space - despite the fact that negative can still be helpful and constructive, if you learn from it and build back better. Sure, are there people who are just mean to her for no reason

Why is she reading the comments? I thought almost all celebrities of a certain “level” basically employ people to handle their social media - moderate it, remove the negative stuff, etc. She can certainly pay for such a service, right?

It’s a defense mechanism. If a killer can be identified by their outward appearance, or mannerisms, then its OUR fault when they do something because we failed to identify them. Its the same reason women, on the average, tend to judge rape and sexual assault survivors more harshly then men (a phenomenon that is heavily

The employer will have to engage its own lawyers, which will, of course, cost money. My suspicion is that they will simply throw a token sum at her to go away.

This is partly why I tend to roll my eyes when people talk about “restorative justice.” Because a big part of it tends to rely upon the offender’s ability to discern what they did and why it was wrong and make amends. But that means it doesn’t really work on people like Amy here. Amy simply does not believe she did

He was a soldier, and by all accounts enjoyed it. You know why he left the service? Because the media learned about his assignments and locations and published them, which led to the Taliban placing a bounty on him to be captured, which, in turn, placed every person around him in danger. He is very open about hating

Well, sure, but that doesn’t address the larger point - that 17 year olds are not that thoughtful. There’s a reason why we do not allow people at that age to enter into legally binding contracts - or face the death penalty for crimes they commit. It’s because we, as a society, understand that a 17 year old brain does

Yeah, I do find it a little ironic that many of the same people who endorse allowing people coming out of the penal system to “get on with their lives” and ascribe to the idea that “your worst actions do not define you” are often the same people who take hard lines against stuff like this. It makes me wonder.

Woah, she’s 27? I’m more surprised that she was offered an editor in chief position at 27 than the revelation that she said terribly stupid crap as a teenager. I’d assume that an EIC role requires a fair amount of experience in editing, creative decision-making, management, etc. Wasn’t she a White House reporter for

The military has always had appearance standards that have been a bit, uh, confounding. I was told I was ineligible years ago (we’re talking about 10 years ago) due to having a tattoo on my wrist/upper hand area.

An argument can be made that he’s the last real one. Bonds’ record will always be clouded by the performance enhancing drug scandals, which may or may not be deserved, depending on where you stand. Hank Aaron was the last of the real ones - guys who did it the old fashioned way, just hard work and skill. His passing

This is the standard line for the maligned white woman. Let me tell you my family’s story. It is the tale of Britney (yes, her actual name).

That’s how I feel. She has a massive platform and when she puts this out there, people are going to notice. A highly restrictive 10 day fast/detox/whatever you call it comes with risks no matter how you slice it, and pointing that out does not equate to attacking Lizzo. I can also see how plus sized women could feel

I mean, can multiple things be true at once?

This is exactly true. Because she is prone to not playing nice with other Republicans, there is a tendency in the Senate GOP to constantly placate her and shove a lot of pork her way. Maine is doing very, very well in terms of government money. There’s even a saying that Susan Collins may not be good for America, but