
Mark Levine in NYC just tweeted that the city will begin the digging of temporary mass graves in the NYC parks.

Especially given that she went after traveling. I presume she told anybody this. Hello, transatlantic flight, followed by serious pain? That is a giant, blinking red sign that reads BLOOD CLOT. It’s a classic case. This was totally preventable if she had been treated in a timely fashion. Heartbreaking all around. 

In the BBC’s reporting, the witnesses who saw him flee the scene all reported that he was screaming”they ripped me off” as police grabbed him. Seems pretty easy to extrapolate that he believed the animators stole from him.

Bill Murray might be creative, but the best on-set insult between actors remains, to this day, Tommy Lee Jones telling Jim Carrey “I cannot sanction your buffoonery” on the set of Batman Forever.

My husband is an Olive Garden salad devotee. To the point where, when he discovered that they now sell the dressing in Walmart, he purchased multiple bottles and, one night, sat outside, put a straw in, and drank it.

I have not suffered a brain injury - my ICU odyssey was much more mundane (sepsis) and not nearly so long. But I do know the sensation of being at the mercy of things outside your control, and just sitting in a hospital room while contemplating your potentially imminent demise. I also broke my years of vegetarianism

That’s what the court case is about. Established US policy was to permit entrants to remain inside the US (whether in detention or released) while their asylum claims were pending. Trump has changed that.

This actually happened (no, really). But not in the Special Olympics. It happened in the Paralympics. The Spanish basketball team faked having intellectual disabilities. It’s worth a read:

Because that is how many pedophiles think. They literally will talk about their victims in terms that you or I would use to describe an adult partner. It’s revolting to the normal mind. They genuinely believe they are having some kind of relationship of equals. Now, that doesn’t mean they don’t know their actions are

And let’s remember, this could just be the beginning of his troubles. If the FBI determines that he sent that threatening letter to himself, then he’s looking at federal charges. And I can’t imagine the US Attorney’s Office passing up such a chance now.

I saw conflicting reports, one that he said his attacked were white, one that said that he couldn’t discern the race due to the masks and gloves. But when I heard they were Nigerians, the first thing I thought was “he never mentioned the accents?” Most crime victims who hear their attacker’s voice can describe it, and

No, I can see that as a goal, but it’s still stupid as hell.

That is a good point. Did he think the cops just...wouldn’t care? He is a fairly high profile actor, and he claimed to have been attacked in a blatant hate crime. Did he not expect them to actually try to solve the case? There would have been a lot of social and political pressure to come up with something. If he was

I will not say it sounded fishy. I’ll say that, being a lawyer, I have been privy to hate crimes in the past. And while I did not automatically think he lied, I did think “that’s kind of....perfect.” I mean, it was the description of what would basically be a textbook hate crime - epithets, a noose, bleach, the MAGA

You are incorrect. It’s a well-known phenomenon in legal circles that if you want to acquit a man of a sex crime, you pack the jury with women. Men are statistically MORE likely to convict another man of a sex crime. The theory is that women are much harsher on sexual assault victims because it’s a defense mechanism -

I’m amazed that celebrities keep doing this. She’s not even the first.

IIRC, Spitzer was originally threatened with charges under the Mann Act, and the threat was used as part of a plea bargain to ensure his cooperation against other defendants. Now, I don’t practice criminal law, but my understanding is that a plea bargain may involve the dropping of meritorious charges in order to

Technically, the Mann Act prosecutes a distinct crime from the state crime - so the “dual sovereign” thing isn’t actually in play. There are two distinct crimes here with Kelly: 1.) the physical rape and 2.) the transport of the minor that preceded it. The rape charge would not be concerned with any activity that took

Except anybody with a basic understanding of civil liberties could tell you that your wish is blatantly unconstitutional. No person can be compelled to undergo a medical procedure without consent (except in very narrow circumstances). You CAN require vaccines to access public services (like public schools). However,