
I never said the term “blame.” You did. I think that says more about your projection then it does about my numbers.

See my comment below. my comment again. I said “compared to Romney.” That’s the useful metric. Nobody was expecting the GOP to run away with a majority of POC - but they made substantial inroads.

Um...Google it. I didn’t pull that out of thin air. Trump INCREASED the GOP share of POC.

Except the data shows that good sized chunks of “your” side voted for him. Trump made sizable inroads into every single group that progressives tend to count as their own - POC (with the exception of black women), union households (Trump posted the biggest GOP gain of union homes since the polls started tracking

I think Van Jones, like a lot of people, is kind of at a fundamental loss with this election, because Trump defied every single piece of conventional wisdom. Jones declared this election a “whitelash” the night of, but the data coming out since indicates it’s not that simple. 1 in 3 Latinos voted FOR Trump - a man who

I always say stupid can’t surprise me anymore, but then it goes and does.

But can’t that go in the other direction? I used to volunteer with DV clinics, and one of the biggest hallmarks of DV is that plenty of men would control how their women looked when they went out. While some of them demanded she cover up and look dowdy, others demanded a full face of makeup, nice clothes, etc. -

I read parts of it by mistake when it was incorporated into an article on the trial. It solidified to me that there was no way he could have not known, especially when he went back at lunch time. It also confirmed that he deserves an absolute lifetime of punishment for what he did (plus anything else that might wait

A medical examiner did have to offer testimony about how his son died. do yourself a favor and do not seek it out. it’s awful. but suffice it to say that he should rot, in this life and any others yet to come.

And here I was thinking that the whole point is to get the viewer to come back next week to see what happens. They need to invest the viewer because that’s how you get the viewer to watch again. There’s nothing wrong with feeling attachment to characters or trying to predict what will happen next. I don’t watch for a

This is part of the reason why the major awards still favor white people - because the awards favor certain stories and performances that are most favored, for some weird reason, by a certain class of white people. A critic will reward a white man for playing what has become a trope - a “struggling” man with

Except you presumed a lot, like I said above. Plenty of immigrants didn’t suffer - they did pretty well for themselves. Only certain groups dealt with large scale discrimination. But I guess it takes one to realize that - can’t really blame a “real Native” for missing that one. Although I’d presume your basic American

This isn’t exactly new. Didn’t they do the exact same thing to Robert Byrd? The Byrd case was the sole time I can recall Republicans expressing great concern that a former Klan member was a part of the Senate. And of course, now, they feel great concern for the poor Jewish people of the country, lest that evil Keith

Except I’m not sure I did misconstrue. I didn’t argue that she was saying Natives had it worse, or that immigrants had it worse. I argued that her point was simplistic and reductionist (and it is - not all immigrants suffered, were persecuted, etc. - certain ones were). It’s a pretty simplistic and reductionist

Except it’s expressly dismissive of the OP at the end: “it’s always been shitty.” That diminishes the OP’s point. And while maybe things weren’t great before, I think it’s pretty clear that they could (and likely will) get far, far worse. So yes, I think reading it as dismissive is pretty accurate.

Republicans tend to only like the free market when it does what they like. I’m no general fan of unfettered capitalism, but I’m all for using the rules to one’s advantage.

No, she said “our people hav dealt with much worse.” It was a minimizing argument, which is a shitty argument. It’s Opression Olympics, classic-style.

Exactly. California is among the most dependable of blue states. Trying to rig California makes no damn sense. If fraud was going to happen, it would be happening in swing states. But this is Trump we’re talking about here - I don’t think facts are welcome.

My initial thought was that they were alleging 3 million illegal votes overall, spread around the states. But this woman at least is saying it was 3 million in California alone, which is what piqued my interest.