
I know there are Trump-related boycott lists going around, but I would personally love to start compiling a list of companies that have either stood up to his rhetoric, espouse progressive values or otherwise do things against his agenda. So we’d know places to support, especially in the holiday season.

I’m Native too, btw, and I think your argument is shitty. First, I recognize that not all immigrants to this country came here voluntarily (things like slavery and indentured servitude really happened, ya know). Also, the majority of NA people living today are of mixed race, so we’re part of the “invasion” too (unless

Here’s what I think: I think we’re getting caught up in grandiose actions that need to be highly visible to matter. That’s not true.

Allow me to play the role of Trump’s inner monologue:

Modern mathematics is a creation of the Arabs. And Arabs = Muslims, and Muslims = Terrorism. Hence, math is terrorism. Try arguing with it, you can’t.

Okay, let’s maths, y’all:

Except none of those people can set official Church policy - the Pope alone does that. But please, keep digging that hole!

The real tragedy is that there are several that would help your ability to stay on topic or admit when you got something wrong, but it seems like you’re quite treatment resistant.

Please, don’t neglect your Ritalin or Adderall. I know this is hard, but please, don’t lose that train of thought!

No, I pointed out that the Church never had any policy stating that AIDS was punishment for gays - church policy can be dictated only by the Pope; the comments you cited were made by individuals within the Vatican who had no ability to create policy. But I can obviously make the distinction between official policy and

I am, thanks for playing!

It’s cute how you presume a hierarchical nature to all faith systems.

Exactly. Omarosa confirmed straight up that Trump keeps an enemies list, so is it that much of a stretch to believe that he’d install a puppet in DHS and then use it as he own personal little army to screw with dissenters?

My first thought: Okay, it’s not Joe Arpaio from Arizona...

Except there’s no defense (again, please somebody raise the critical thought bar, quickly!). What I was pointing out was that Catholicism at least does not have the abuse built into it. COS’s abuses are not an example of an otherwise non-abusive system that was corrupted or co-opted over time - it was abusive from the

Except I never defended the Catholic Church. But to equalize them, you’d have to argue that the Church expressly approved of the child abuse within the Church. COS’s abuses are not abberations or hidden; they are an official part of the doctrine. The Catholic Church never expressly approved or promoted abuse (whether

Goodness me, I must have missed the part about the Catholic Church forcing abortions, producing billion-year contracts, harassing IRS workers and forcing adherents to entirely shun their loved ones. They must have been doing all that on the sly!

She is SO lucky that when she left, her entire family went with her - mother, sister, husband, daughter, etc. I’m sure people disconnected from her anyway, but her immediate family seems to have survived intact. I think very few of them are so lucky - you hear the horror stories about people losing spouses, children,

Except you should read what RBG had to say about it. She noted that there is really no right to privacy enumerated in the constitution. Roe’s holding was partially that the 8th Amendment implies a certain right to privacy, but she (along with most legal scholars) believe that to be a stretch (not to mention that the

Axel, not so bad. True edginess demands dropping the errant “e” and just naming him Axl. And yes, people do that.