
Except it’s not wrong. Nate Silver has the data up. Trump performed widely above expectations among Latinos and Asians (1 in 3 Latinos and 1 in 3 Asians voted Trump). While that’s still a minority, it’s far, far better than expected. And Silver also noted that Trump didn’t improve Romney’s share among white people.

While white people did push Trump over the top, I find it kind of bizarre that nobody is really discussing that while he did not win POC, he actually performed far better among them then expected. Nate Silver had some demographics up that showed that 1 in 3 Latinos actually voted for Trump. While that is not a

What you are hoping for has only happened a handful of times - a faithless elector. It has only happened twice since 2000 - and once was a protest vote over DC Statehood and one was a genuine handwriting error. My impression is that the electoral college members generally take the job very seriously to vote as their

The problem is that not all “expressions of belief” are created equal - although you seem to think they are. I have no patience for those who simply seek to soothe themselves through tantrums when there is so much work to be done on behalf of people who are going to have their actual lives and wellbeing threatened. We

No, you’re the one embarrassing us. Being POC does not excuse you from rational thinking. Personally, I’m offended by the idea that POC can’t be told when we’re acting like fools anymore. I can be both a POC and a rationalist, but you seem to think they are mutually exclusive. And that is genuinely bigoted.

I am like you in that I believe in moral absolutes (for the most part). Trump is an awful person, and his administration will likely be awful for a great many of us. My problem is that these protests don’t actually do anything other than emotional venting. The groups Trump most threatens do not need symbolic gestures

I’m not arguing that people should “accept” Trump in that they should embrace his beliefs, or views, etc. I’m arguing that fighting his presidency is dumb because it makes our side look like sore losers. In reality, Trump is not yet President. We have two months to try to lay the groundwork for solutions that can

I agree. There will be ample time to actually protest things he’s actually going to do once he’s in. There will also be high needs - for legal representation, for resources, for material support, etc. That day is coming. These are just people getting together to say “We’re very upset right now.” Which...yeah. Lots of

They seem pretty ragey to me!

But they’re not doing that on the streets. Somehow, I think people are doing that in meetings. Where there is far less wailing and gnashing of teeth.

“Protests are an expression of an individual’s or group’s feelings and do not have to be anything more than that”

But this isn’t people gathering today to comfort each other, or brainstorm, or do anything other than “let’s be angry in public.” I know plenty of people who’ve been doing what they need to do to feel better. That’s one thing. But these protests have no point beyond “I’m angry and I want to emote in public.” And

Except to compare there people to civil rights protestors demeans civil rights protestors. You forget the main distinction - those people had, you know, goals. They protested in a way that was designed to produce the results they wanted. This has no goal. It’s simply a group that wishes to be angry in public - which

Except who mentioned Trump’s feelings? Nobody. The problem isn’t that people are being mean to Trump. It’s that these protests are largely not about meaningful actions (from what I can gather, a large number of them are anarchist/socialist gatherings that are comprised of Stein voters or non-voters). It’s that they

Yeah, he sounds awfully conciliatory here. I get that he’s probably as exhausted as the rest of us, but I keep thinking “is he worried Trump might actually whack him or something? Or worse, audit him every year?” 

Except emotions don’t invariably lead to actions. There are a great many people angry, upset about Trump. But not all of them are engaging in symbolic lefty gestures that mean absolutely nothing. I think the majority of them just cried and/or drank.

Except a cursory glance at my history would show I was solidly pro-Clinton. Seriously, it’s not that hard to take a gander. Unless you just presume that anybody trying to stive for logical consistency meets the standard for trolling. And if that’s the case, I think you may have your own issues to address before you

Hey, Christie has to leave sometime to pick up the McDonalds.

I doubt it. States keep polling data, not the feds. You’d in theory have to obtain ballot data from each state (and potentially individual counties, etc.). So in theory you could, but in reality...not so much.

I wonder hope I’ve been here long enough that you would know that answer.