
This piece sure did no favors to child-free women as a group. It certainly seemed to set up that old dichotomy that the childless "career woman" is a hostile harpy to mothers and that they retaliate against mothers because they simply cannot understand until they have a child of their own. If I were childfree, I'd be


I've known some women who very much take the "out of sight, out of mind" approach to these matters. They have a partner who they know, intellectually, is stepping out on them or doing them wrong, and they're in some way okay with that as long as they don't have any reminders of it around them. A baby is a physical,

Well, we also know that the framers ripped off a giant portion of their idea from the Native Americans, especially the Iroquois League. So maybe we should start consulting the Native Americans again for our constitutional issues. With that being said -

I never get this argument. "What would the framers think?"

Here's how it works (at least from what I've heard):

I doubt it. The Duggars aren't just a big family in the general sense. They're a Quiverfull family. They don't have lots of kids because they're lazy, or because they love kids. It's a political movement to have as many as humanely possible to create the conservative Christian voting blocs of tomorrow. If one of them

That's how I feel too!

Part of it is laziness. Fur is considered by a lot of designers as a "high-end" thing that by itself will make the clothing glamorous. Just stick some fur on her and she'll look "high class." It's lazy. It takes more vision and skill to not use fur - which is why its still considered risky when a designer vows to

Ah, that's where the magic of television comes in. The Duggars are sold to America as an ideal, as something you should aspire to. It makes people this is a very excellent way of living and getting stuff done. Right now, the Duggars have only 2 of their five oldest at home - which is batting pretty well. I have no

The scary thing is that they're totally going to win. They're gonna inherit the Earth. All they need to do is reproduce. If each of the kids have 10 children (an easy goal) Jim Bob and Michelle will be grandparents to 190 people (let's say a few do a little extra and make that a nice 200). If each of them has only 5,

Bill Cosby is one of those people whose existence makes you hope with all your might that something - the Devil, karma, etc. exists that will be able to extract some level of justice for these women. Cosby got away with it then, he's getting away with it now. He still has fans. He still has defenders. He still has a

But do you really believe this is innocent? It's grasping at straws. The bone density argument is not one of the more common arguments levied at trans athletes - usually they're arguing about muscle mass, height, etc. The bone density stuff is something you'd have to research to know. She knows exactly what she's

But, um, don't you get the point? Steroid use results in abnormal muscle development. A trans woman like Fox is using estrogen, which expressly works against excessive muscle development. Hence, there is almost no reason to be concerned that a trans woman could manipulate her hormones to confer any level of advantage

Dude...way to miss the point.

Brutally Honest Paula Deen Titles:

Um...the point is that it is not a rule that a trans woman would have superior muscle development to all cis women she might compete against. The bodies of athletes vary widely. Fallon Fox, from the pictures of her, does not appear, visually, to be any more muscular or lean than these two MMA fighters who are cis

But that's ridiculous. That's like saying that if somebody says something racist without awareness that it's racist, it's cool because, hey, no ill will intended.

But if you're a neuroscientist than why are you commenting on something that doesn't actually involve the brain?

Because it's bad science. A trans woman will use hormones to bring her body's chemistry into line with that of a cis female. After a certain period of time (the IOC places it at 2 years) a trans woman will have no discernible advantages over a cis woman, since her body will have changed sufficiently.