
If that was his intent he did not provide a dissenting opinion. Everybody involved thinks parents should have control over their children's influences. Your final assertion that everyone being okay with parents controlling their children's consumption leads logically to the government being able to dictate what

It's necessary if he wants to be a justice of quality rather than a justice only of note for how bad he is at his job. Those negative side effects are some of the very reasons the First Amendment is a thing that exists. If he doesn't take that into account, he isn't thinking about how the law jives with the

It does limit parents right to choose. If it becomes matter of law whether M rated games can be sold and to whom, stores will always side with caution. The laws regarding pornography have already severely damaged NC-17 and AO ratings without those things even being directly regulated. Regardless of that, there is

Justice Clarence Thomas is a wretched justice. If I actually thought he ever received a law education at this point, I'd think his teachers would be embarrassed into the grave. Let's pretend that the first amendment doesn't apply to children. Now that we are in a hypothetical world of complete insanity, what about the

The fact that the wrong decision was already made once doesn't mean the wrong decision should be made again. There's no argument against what he said not because videogames should be federally regulated, but because federally regulating nudity is an indefensible position.

Thank the Gods! I was really starting to worry there weren't enough ways that advertising was invading my every facet of existence.

...and now we can see the sexism of some of Kotaku's commenters laid bare, too.

I'm pretty sure this instance of "Teddy" refers to the original Teddy, Theodore Roosevelt, who wrote books about history and didn't kill pregnant girlfriends.

"A rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle...what possible use could that have?"

Going to try one more time to get this to work properly.

Mario is Missing Noir

Okay, so now whose fault is it that the PC version is broken poo poo?

I can see her upper arms! So slutty.

What about when you're driving and your wife and her mother are yelling at you YET AGAIN, and you fantasize about gently drifting over toward the metal barrier and blissfully careening off the mountain side into your silent reward?

The kind of crazy that rubs poop in its hair to stop the voices that order to kill.

@Juan29.zapata: I played the demo up to the point when I first had to jump and I pushed A just as the game told me to push Y and I fell to my death. I turned off the demo then.

A to jump

@EolirinX: So the fact that the game's storytelling abilities perfectly mirror the shortcomings of Ninja Gaiden and DOA are just happy coincidences.

@EolirinX: Nintendo's tree house is famous for having the best localization around.

Retro Devolved.