
If the creative people with whom Anita Sarkeesian meets have so little conviction in their work that they wilt to her whims the moment she talks about what she values in the depiction of women in games, that’s on them, no?

No, that’s not what the Electoral College was all about. It’s about “how do we get our votes to count more, considering all these extra humans we won’t allow to vote but will still have to build infrastructure for?”

no, but it’s lazy to blame Bernie Bros for all this. I very enthusiastically supported Bernie in the primaries, simply because I lean more socialist and Clinton didn’t align with what I wanted. BUT, and this is a big but, I voted for her in the Presidential election wholeheartedly, simply because she wasn’t Trump,

I reject the premise of your question.

Right, and the electorate didn’t want socialized medicine either. Nor did they want civil rights for the blacks. Nor did they want Southern reconstruction.

And we’re stuck with them partially because when someone steps out of the two party system, they’re accosted by the people that realistically should support them for not “waiting their turn” in a broken system.

I agree that changing the party from the ground level up is a necessity. There isn’t really a groundswell of young talent in the party, particularly young talent that sits to the left of the current line or encompasses bold new ideas. We need more of that, and we need to aggressively promote it by working on local

I’ll preface this by saying I wasn’t a Bernie supporter. But your qualification of “and expect treatment and support equal to someone who has been an active member for decades” is a little misleading.

I think it’s a question of philosophy.

I don’t consider the Democrats “my team”, and I know a lot of young people in the community who feel the same way. Moreover, it’s the “team” philosophy that’s consistently drawn the Democrats further and further to the right and left them with an increasingly muddied party

The DNC did not act like Bernie had value to them. He acted like the DNC had value to him. However, his long term motivations are to create several parties, like in countries where governments represent the people, and the DNC is not OK with this idea.

To me this seems a lot like being a black man in court and losing an unfair case and then white people expecting you to just “get with the program.”

Honestly, the two-party system should die a painful death for this whole “get on the team” reasoning. The DNC didn’t inspire me to want to join them. I hated that the debates were at the mercy of these folks. I’m a person of color. I’m a millennial person of color from the border country.

somehow a dude who has contributed nothing in his entire career to the democratic party is supposed to come in and get equal treatment

Listen, women haven’t had “involvement” within the political or corporate systems in America. Why? Because they haven’t been allowed. Bernie Sanders has ideas that did not allow him to be part of the Democratic Party like you wanted him to be. Does that mean he should stay home?

The “Democratic Party” is part of the problem. We have a two-party polar system of government. We are about to overturn Roe v Wade in the next 5 years. This was bigger than your girl Hillary or your old reliable establishment democrats.

If he had run as an independent, you wouldn’t be blaming him for Trump? He tried to do the right thing and exist within a broken, 2-party system because he saw there were no candidates interested in changing campaign finance reform.

Oh look, someone who can’t think on the level of individual policy and clings to party cronyism. If Democrat vs. Republican is all that American politics are to you, you are part of the problem that has led to this disaster we face today.

He was an independent who voted with the best interests of the average American in mind. Why the fuck does it matter what he labels himself? “Voting and working with like-minded congresspeople ain’t the same as joining the team.” If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. Oh wait! Yeah I guess by not labeling

I don’t think you were defending him.

But, to your first point that there should be a “teaching moment”, I just happen to think that at some point you’re not going to “teach” these people, no matter how well intentioned, and giving them the platform to even debate their ideas or the benefit of the doubt that they

Let’s be honest, that’s a question nobody has an answer for. However, at the same time, the other outcome is the idea of “tolerating intolerance” that they rag us on.