His clarification is still racist. Not only wanting but demanding an ethnic majority is nationalist as all get out. It’s straight up fascist even.
His clarification is still racist. Not only wanting but demanding an ethnic majority is nationalist as all get out. It’s straight up fascist even.
I hope this makes it to court, it won’t, but I hope it does. It would be a nice bow on this whole thing if Digital Homicide’s poor practices became official court record. Even ignoring that this lawsuit is baseless, the very fact that they are requesting donations to afford a lawsuit they are initiating says they…
The photo of the iPhone being used seems to indicate that an iPhone was used.
"Guitar Hero and Rock Band tried to sidestep the problem by offering calibration options and tutorials, but this doesn't solve the problem. It merely makes the game more forgiving; a dirty hack in a genre which prizes purity."
I saw a squirrel! It was going like this!
That Tingle image is wonderfully horrible in the best way Tingle is wonderfully horrible.
I've heard the screams of the vegetables.
I portrayed no one as vampires. I said that executives absolutely deserve to make money. They do provide a service that has value, but they also have a disproportionate amount of money and a disproportionate amount of power to control the flow of money. A vampire or a leech would suggest I think they are entirely…
The first thing you have written here is unnecessary as what you are responding to is a very clear answer to your question already. We know companies are profitable because they tell everyone. They have to.
"What makes you think gaming companies are profitable?"
The last thing any consumer should allow is removal of consumer rights to make a profitable company more profit. Content creators should be looking at the publishers' pocketed capital before they go to war with their consumers. This goes for every creative person, not just game developers. The person between you and…
It's really weird to me that people keep insisting the ending to A.I. is happy. I can understand being unaware that it is part of Kubrick's original screenplay, or being unaware that the designs for the future robots are based on his own sketches, but I'm still confused by the idea that the ending is happy. It's a…
Thanks for the extra info.
It's amazing that the game design seems almost purposeful for this challenge. The way coins are laid out seems intentional to be in the way to provide challenge but not impossible to avoid. The way the ribbon is right at the bottom every time the clock hits 1 is also perfect.
The original Assassin's Creed doesn't use the wretched Ubisoft DRM. They hadn't communed with Satan yet to create it. I think they are just using "Assassin's Creed" to indicate the series and the games that use the DRM in question. I'll be interested to see what actually happens as Steam seems to be indicating that…
I've been playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood after getting it in the Steam Winter Sale... so yeah, I won't be able to continue doing that as planned apparently.
I guess I won't be playing Mass Effect 3 until they let me play it on the service I like and trust. I have Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 on Steam and I will wait until the trilogy can all be in one place. My desire to have my pc games on Steam over other services is not irrational or ethereal. Steam as a platform…
Yet PETA was silent when Mario tore the exoskeleton off a bee. PETA is speciesist.
Reread what I wrote.