@EolirinX: I said storyTELLING not the story — the execution of the story. The bad voice acting. The inappropriate direction for the tone. The wooden characters.
@EolirinX: I said storyTELLING not the story — the execution of the story. The bad voice acting. The inappropriate direction for the tone. The wooden characters.
Team Ninja is absolutely wretched at storytelling. The Other M is heavily focused on story.
@Devan Dons Streetiti: +1 for claiming rights
@Darth_penguin: I'll completely concede he's not only against it because of liberals when presented with a better statement from him. At this point, with what he's given me, he's taken the opportunity to use this case in the shrewdest way possible, to gain the ear of people who demographically don't normally listen…
@Darth_penguin: I believe that the government can't make such laws because of the first amendment. I don't believe that is what Rush is arguing. I believe Rush is arguing that this is part of a liberal agenda he doesn't agree with because it's liberal.
@Stradigos: That's more than enough for me. Thanks for the discussion.
@Darth_penguin: No it can't be said for any political agenda. Most people are capable of nuanced understanding of things. For instance disliking government handouts, but liking Medicare or Social Security. Or disliking government intervention in private business but understanding that the Civil Rights Act was…
@Stradigos: I didn't say he was incapable of disagreeing with Republicans or conservatives. I said he's painted something that isn't a case of "liberal vs conservative" as such. I stated that he's decided this is a liberal plot, because what he IS incapable of doing is liking something that a liberal came up with.…
@Professor Bacon: I'm doing no such simplification. I'm talking about Rush Limbaugh and Rush Limbaugh only. Rush Limbaugh is the one who dismisses everything that is "liberal" and won't even consider it unless it's come from a Republican. Rush Limbaugh. Not conservatives or Republicans. One man.
@Darth_penguin: He's advocating it because it's a liberal plot to take away freedom. The context of the full argument he is making lays this bare. He compares it to liberal initiatives he disagrees with. He does not compare it to government control supported by conservatives, such as the ones I mentioned. He speaks…
@Xion3362: Democrats being in favor of it has no bearing on my argument. What has bearing is that Republicans also are in favor of it, yet it's a liberal plot according to Rush. Rush is the one simplifying things to be a one sided issue.
@Professor Bacon: You can read what Rush Limbaugh himself said. I don't need it to be filtered. He talks at great length about his pet issues and blames the law in question squarely on liberals. He has no understanding of what is going on and is just inserting it into his dogma statement generator.
@kgetz: I'm talking about Rush Limbaugh's mindset. Not Republicans. Rush Limbaugh is okay with government control in things that Republicans like, such as the things I stated. You're post doesn't contradict mine. If anything, if Rush was aware of the Republican support, he would be even less likely to hold the stance…
He's not defending games. He clearly knows nothing and cares nothing about games. He's defending them because the argument on a cursory level fits into his strict, rigid dogma. He's proselytizing for his religion. Video games are just a word he's inserted into his Madlib. He's way more interested in getting young…
@ShaughnTr0n: You're right. It's cubeecraft.com
@Justin Colucci: We haven't been provided the images of the rest of the republicans or democrats. We have no idea if Bill and hillary look goofy or if McCain looks like a bad-ass.
@ruillonrysic: The Beastie Boys have goofy, unflattering pictures too. Are the developers anti-Beastie Boy?
@Pope John Peeps II: Hey now. You've hurt my feelings. Good thing I'm not 3,000 years dead or you'd be a jerk.
Tutankhamen is dead and not only doesn't, but can't give a flying tinkus what his reputation is. Respect for the dead is for the benefit of those left behind. As anyone who would have known King Tut are also long dead, they can't have their feelings harmed either.
@Dutch JaFO: Rock band has several foreign language songs, but they are all DLC and therefore optional.