
That’s the problem, plenty of protesting but no political action. Just like Occupy and Bernie Bros, can’t see for forest for the protest. King had a strategy protest to get the vote use the vote to carry out an agenda. Now if you can’t get your A$$ to the polls to vote disrupting a parade isn’t going to do a damn

Yes, because obviously I don’t. /s

My point — poorly made — is that life is about tradeoffs.

No dipshit. The point of being an adult is realizing that you dont control the world, you arent entitled to what you want, and that private property means just that. Don’t like how a business treats it’s customers dont give them your business

Hillary Clinton lost because, at the end of the day, she chose to side with her corporate donors over average people. She isn’t an activist. She isn’t part of some sort of resistance. She is exactly what is being resisted. She represents everything that is wrong with Washington: career politicians who put their own

You also have the right not to buy a plane ticket.

Does anyone else love the fact that people were so terrified Trump wouldn’t respect the results of the election if he lost, yet here’s Clinton forming her ‘resistance’ super-PAC to gin up millions of dollars from dumb coastal liberals?

The DNC is literally defending its right to rig its primaries in court right now. That argument over whether they did it or not is more than settled.

While Hilary will actually do it and make it look like an accident or a suicide

You forgot to mention the left wingers stealing from it, and giving it away to immigrants who have never worked a day in this country.

He does have one thing to be proud of, though. He’s still more black than Rachel Dolezal.

You have to love all the stereotypes and double standards liberals throw around without the slightest hint they see the irony. It’s especially bad here among denizens of Gawkmodo. They’re fucking idiots and don’t even see it. In the end all they are doing is reinforcing the divisions they claim to want to bridge.


You do realize that the president is the CINC right? You’re essentially saying that Obama fucked the military in the ass for eight years, now look at how terribly ran the military is. Shame! Here’s the kicker though, despite best efforts, our military is still the strongest, most agile, most competent force in the

Seriously I went out with a woman for a first date I thought went pretty well. She had done the same thing about saying she payed for her and was rather pointed about it. So at the end of dinner I let her pay for her half. We had been set up by a mutual friend. Next day my friend calls me and she says ,”You let her

Another point to be mentioned is that sometimes you can’t look at men and women as individuals on some table. My wife and I have been married for 37 years. Very early on we figured out certain ways our marriage was going to go. I was working a well paying job that, while I liked it, required a lot of hours, overtime

Next weeks headline: “Men are monopolizing discussions with their congressional representatives, preventing women from getting their problems adressed. Men: Get out of the way, it’s time for the women to lead!”

You’re not on Jezebelmodo much, are you?

Well, this got weirdly sexist in a hurry. Just like women, men are individuals, not members of their gender. In the same way that it wouldn’t be okay to say “Puerto Ricans, you need to start picking up the slack!”, this isn’t cool. I mean, on a scale of one-to-slavery it’s about a 0.5, but still, prejudice is

The fact that this got so many stars is disgusting and speaks to the ignorance of the left and their fucking praise for illegal activities. They’re invasive species that need to go back to the shithole they made. Fuck you and thinking they have a right to be here. There’s a long tedious and expensive process to gain