The name Eric Holder and the word “integrity” go together like oil and water.
The name Eric Holder and the word “integrity” go together like oil and water.
“making the game a bit more fair for players that are losing.”
What did he expect, the card expired in 2008.
“White America has always shown a willingness and a boundless patience when it comes to paying for white supremacy.”
Michael, given the point that Williams was trying to make by reading the essay he linked on Facebook, in your opinion should all bigots be left to die, or just the white ones? Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, racism is not exclusive to evidenced by the majority of the articles you write for…
Imposition? Why, and to whom?
Huh? I think that was meant for someone else, but I’m not motivated enough to figure out who.
Evidently it is lost on you as well.
“As the Supreme Court’s session draws to a close, the court on Monday reinstated most of President Donald Trump’s Muslim travel ban—”
“In an interview with The Washington Post after her removal, Durden didn’t mince words. “I was publicly lynched,” she said. “They didn’t let me finish the class and they disrupted the learning process. I had a right to free speech, and I exercised that right.””
“You white people are angry because you couldn’t use your white privilege card to get invited to the Black Lives Matter all-black Memorial Day celebration.”
CalExit would be a disaster for CA, it’s not going to happen.
Misleading headline.
If the driver had been a white person that ripped a BLM flag off a vehicle, then hit the owner of that vehicle with their car while driving away, you’d feel the same way?
“Like the book, the play is set in a dystopian future (ha) where critical thought is subdued by a tyrannical and possibly fictional force known as Big Brother. But you already knew all that.”
“It has been brought to our attention,” he thundered, “that the senior lead scientist for the Center for Disease Control has admitted that the MMR vaccines and many of the vaccine shots have been genetically modified to attack black and Latino boys.”
Listen, no need to assume anything just yet. I’m sure it was vegan whipped cream.
What you did there, I see it.
So instead of opening a dialogue in which the CBC can begin addressing issues directly with the POTUS, they are refusing to even come to the table so that they can continue to solicit attention and funds by complaining about issues that never get addressed. Got it.
“U.S. Rep. Pete Olson (R-Texas) is proof that in the age of Donald Trump, Republicans will say anything, and by “anything” I literally mean anything, and only if you are called on it do you have to walk it back.”