
I would recommend Dr Feelgood. He’s the one that makes me feel alright.

And the next round of studies will debunk the recent ones.

You’re not wrong. If you need to validate your own self-worth through men finding you sexually attractive, and need to test your spouses love, then you’re honestly just a fucked up person. She can say all she wants about how she’s changed and how she’s a different person now, but if she’s scared of losing weight

The vast majority of people self-report that they have cheated (70-80%),

Not really trying to find an ally in you, tbh. Your comment was honestly just the most appropriate place to comment my particular feelings on what she said, because I think she was using feminist logic to rationalize what she did, as opposed to just come to the realization that she’s just a shitty person.

“Your ideal world is weird.”

Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

Raw in a shot glass of hot sake, ponzu sauce, siracha, a raw oyster, and a little bit of scallions. Oyster shooters!

Actually the story here according to many is it Nazi Germany all over again

While against protocol, and some punishment is deserved, I think some of the rhetoric in this article is uncalled for. Didn’t Trump just make a trip to pay respect to the SEAL who was killed in a recent raid? Couldn’t this possibly be a show of support for that action?

It doesnt take much to get you guys all riled up, does it? Breach of protocol? yes. poor taste? yes. But they are trolling you, and it was incredibly effective, as it turns out.

It’s not a popularity issue. It’s an issue with members of the left giving actual death threats to people who were going to perform. But you know, tolerance and all that.

Again, wrong. Many Psalms are part of weekly services.

Very much so. Should electors be bound? God yes. But the EC as a mechanism itself is a vital thing to our system. I’d even argue that after the corrective that was the Civil War, the EC has played perhaps the biggest role in keeping the US as one nation intact. We wouldn’t last 50 years if we got rid of it.

We call them hoagies in Philadelphia. Not heroes.

I can’t edit my post, but I’d like to add something:

How is it xenophobia when anyone can be Islamic? How can distrust of a system of ideas be xenophobic? People are calling me a Nazi, but fear of Nazism is exactly the same as fear of Islam. Is it irrational for Jews to be feaful of Nazi calls for their extermination? Why should I, an infidel in the eyes of islam, just

Why are you confusing Islam - the set of codified laws and values set out in holy texts - with Muslims?

“One can be for freedom of religion while criticising said faiths.”

It’s just such an insane hypocrisy that people on the left are A-OK with absolutely eviscerating people for espousing sexist, misogynistic, violent, warmongering and otherwise reprehensible ideas, but when you wrap it all up in Islam then all of a sudden they’re beyond criticism.