I hear the xbox port is a total disaster.
I hear the xbox port is a total disaster.
I believe the industry word used as justification for 3 million dollars of CGI to do a 2 second establishing shot is “world building”.
Of course it isn’t new. But this isn’t a major networktelevision show. This is a platform that ostensibly promotes the art of games.
So you can purchase any number of games like wolfenstein whose message is that the solution to racism is hacking off limbs or almost any Stream FPS where you can graphically burn people alive or explode their heads into pink mist but any exploration of sex (something everyone ACTUALLY does, and is almost a universally…
Except that DIGITAL property isn’t actuallya finite resource. Millions of people are “occupying” the same “property”.
Man I disagree with a huge amount of that. Horizon zero dawn was the best game of the year with amazing mechanics and surprising depth in narrative. I hate to do this but I just did a video on how HZD actually perfected the open world genre. BOTW was great but HZD was an almost perfect experience
Yeah but MMOS don’t release expansions in after6 weeks and in fact all previous content stays available.
It played very similar to titanfall. Very low ttk. Super fast movement and evasion.
You’re mistaken. All balance is done across modes. Hence a Suros regime nerf in the early going of D1 made auto rifles utterly useless for3 years in pve. Most mmo games realized long ago that PvP and pve had to be separately balanced preferably with totally separate gear sets ala WoW.
The problem is this kind of push journalism exists within the news world as well. As ad revenue becomes increasingly difficult to chase down editors are rightly terrified of getting scooped and any story that promises clicks is a must post.
I’m BEGGING to give those games my money.
That would be terrible. sten they didn’t remove paid map packs to be consumer friendly. They did that because map pack sales were bad because there wasn’t enough content to keep players engaged. So when they DID release those packs only a small percentage of Ann already small player base bought them further…
I admit to suddenly being very very nervous about Titanfall 3.
You call me an internet justice warrior. I have a different word for me.
I sincerely doubt they share the profits. Its almost certainly a licensing fee that was financed.
And I’m not giving EA money for a progression system that even you, a defender of the game, admit sucks.
I was going to buy 3 copies of this so I could play it with my kids. The first one was painfully mediocre but my son still liked it.
Really. So you prefer this progression system?