Pliny The Welder

No. I don’t have a problem with that. If I’d had to gamble for it I would have. And it’s on topic because they had months of saying “we’re looking intoit” about drop rates and duplicates before they finally acted

See though I can make a very credible argument that your position is fundamentally disastrous to society as a whole.

Are you EA’S general counsel? You’re rather upset that a slightly positive change has been made.

This is better than nothing but it still doesn’t change the fact that tying all progression into loot boxes ISN’T FUN.

What? So because some percentage of people will behave badly a major video game news site shouldn’t report on two games that have had terrible launches?

I eagerly await Mr. Schreirs inevitable investigative piece that explains where this all went to shit.

I did a Facebook post after the recent Texas shooting where I examined how awful it was that I sighed in relief when it became clear the shooter was an angry young white guy.

A consolidation of power in one person’s hands can accomplish amazing things.

There’s a level of incompetence here that is potentially deadly to us.

But isn’t that fair? What percentage of switch owners don’t have a current generation console or PC? It can’t be a huge number.

I own an xbox one but it’s not just jrpgs. Must play indie titles are almost never in xbox. It’s either ps4 or pc.

Wait wait wait. Are you really sitting closer than 3 1/2 feet from your 55" tv? As a former carpenter I find people are terrible at eyeballing distance.

This is absurd. eas are things that used to be included in the price of a game. I’ll say it again, I’ve hated these things since the start in anything but F2P titles but this is the first that’s gone so far that I won’t play a title I’d planned on buying 3 copies of at launch so I could play with all3of my kids. My

And none of those issues excuse her behavior towards other humans. “I wanted what I wanted,” isn’t a valid excuse for being abusive and predatory.

How about this. There is no fee market in human history. All markets are regulated and corporations are human constructs.

Yeah. I’ve complained an awful lot about loot crates before. I despise them in overwatch and any full priced game.

I own a gaming pc and console. There are advantages to both. The console interface is much more convenient for that bedroom/living room. Not just running an hdmI cord but using an M&K is annoying anywhere other than my desk.

I’ve got all the platforms. All things being equal the pc is the best platform.

I’m old. And have played many games. I as shocked to discover the base game is perhaps the best that religion has ever been examined in a video game.

Yeah but it’s those investigative pieces that are absolutely missing from our current political discourse. It’s becoming increasingly rare to meet speak to a well informed person from either end of the spectrum. People aren’t any stupider now than they were in Athens 500BC but they are terribly informed.