I don’t have a problem with paid mods. I have a problem with Bethesda/Zenimax taking a grotesque cut for doing Jack Shit.
I don’t have a problem with paid mods. I have a problem with Bethesda/Zenimax taking a grotesque cut for doing Jack Shit.
It has nothing to do with “casuals”.
They released a very slight upgrade to the Game without fixing any of the bugs and charged$60 and now are attempting to sell mods that have always been free.
In the long run this is probably for the best. A non regulated legally gray area industry is guaranteed to have bar actors giving people blood borne diseases.
No, he wouldn’t be. Because that would be a small iterative step in the natural progression of bread eating. His “toasted” breakthrough only exists because someone else made bread and someone else made four and someoneelse made agriculture.
Did he create multi player shooters? Or was his idea an iterative step?
That’s quite the accusation to make friend. Before accusing someone of violating their professional code of ethics you should have more than a hunch.
What about people addicted to mobile games that are literally designed to be addictive? What about the effort that goes into gambling loot box mechanics tailor made to bleed people currently dealing with psychiatric issues dry?
At level 265 the red psion mobs in that final encounter were taking 6 multi tool head shots.
Beautiful example of their noise making.That’s a simple single riff over and over layered with escalating distortion, feedback and synth.
No paying customer should have to listen to people spewing slurs or bullshit. Period.
Right. The pace of this is unacceptable for a massively succesful premium priced game that’s chock full of free to play micro transactions on top of that from a massive corporation with gobs of money.
Man. That was a highly complex case about an egregious invasion of someone’s privacy (THREE peoples privacy).
Seriously? That’s not “pedantic” that’s literally basic grammar that should never see publication.
I put almost 1600 hours in Destiny and did literally everything.
The facts of this case were simple enough that a pro se defense would have worked. As the judge said, fair use is decades old settled law.
Every generation of republicans have some young staffers working to make the party hip to the kids.
Why can’t we edit comments?
Career, Cleopatra and...Ptolemy. Sigh. I know it hasn’t been historically accurate but Ptolemy was ancient to the Romans. In fact Alexander was almost a mythical historic figure to the Romans who loved to measure themselves against him. In fact one of Pomeys greatest treasures was the cloak of Alexander that he…
What is amazing in hindsight is how great the combat was. That isn’t what I expected to enjoy.