Pliny The Welder

The main argument against higher wages are job losses. But anyone who has ever worked in management knows that business determines staffing.

So you’re defending consumers having LESS information availiable to them?

I’ve been married 18 years.

A few weeks ago I bought Uncharted 4 based upon how much I liked The Last Of Us and the near perfect reviews it got everywhere.

Except he ISN’T reading Rainbow. He was the talent. There were writers, producers, directors, animators, etc.

No. Americans say curse. SOUTHERNERS say cuss which is simply an accent dialect that overtime became a seatseparate word, and only in a few places.

Jesus the puddles are ridiculous. ,aside from that won my animation of the guy entering the car that was pretty much photo realism.

Actually he is. Tens of thousands of stories like his. The comment above yours repeated in thousands of discreet decisions is exactly why it’s down. 

Depends on perspective. English also suffers (or is improved by) its subtlety and lack of directness. Think of English and howradically a Sentence can change just through punctuation or word order.

See I’m not really one who buys into the game or no game argument but what I do but into is that without some gameplay you’re left with a story that can almost certainly be better told in a different format.

I had a friend who owned a guitar shop.he responded to an ad for a guitar for sale and it was an old lady selling her dead sons guitar.

The really big problem is this doesn’t feel like destiny. The movement is so Bri terribly slow. You can’t escape damage by movement anymore. Thejumping is just terrible. I’m amazed at how terrible the movement speed and jumping is.

Dion WAS a gang member. His songs were not meant to glorify the lifestyle in the song. The wanderer is a tragic figure.

The song is about how that’s not a fulfilling life. Dion wss famously a depressed and empty feeling guy who eventually became a devout Catholic after an experience with God.

Well...yes. Killing is objectively worse than casual sex.

I mean, Minecraft videos aren’t art. Creativel trapped? That’s howmost people feel about their work. Even those of us who chose our careers out of ideals quickly find that the money you earn quickly becomes more important than whatever drove you to that career.

I was there. ;)

The gun control ruling is a non ruling and frankly if we talk about the parts of the constitution we like we have to uphold the parts we don’t. nowsettled law thatthe second amendment protects an individual right to bear arms.

Which is precisely why health care must be separated from profitmotive.

He really does flop an awful lot and he does cry to the refs constantly. For one of the greatest players ever, with his size and the deference he gets from refs to be flopping and whining is unseemly.