
I blew out both of my testicles gluing that book shut as well. Don’t worry, we’re Libertarians; we can adopt a child from a war-torn shithole like Sudan and raise it like an Irish Setter, all while patting ourselves on the back for using our inherent benevolent superiority to elevate a single savage from the stagnant

Yeah, because they’re only dumb chattel, not highly skilled athletes who have to spend hours outside of work keeping themselves in peak physical condition like the men who chase a ball around a field for millions of dollars a year.

And make us harvest pixel crops for our “friends”.

I WILL NEVER SETTLE DOWN. I will remain in a state of hyper vigilance, and the next time that a person uses a bad analogy on the internet, I’ll climb into their sinus cavity, burrow through cartilage and bone, and then eat their brains like those super icky amoebas. Then, like Renfield, I will grow stronger and

That’s nice dear. You should smile more often.

Right back over yours.

Are you trying to make any sort of argument that Trump isn’t a bigot? I’d really like to see your evidence for that.

I’m not going to rationalize or defend Hillary Clinton’s behaviour or life up to this point. I also don’t play the stupid left vs right false-dichotomy game that politically-illiterate lumpen imbeciles like to get into fights with one another over.

The mental image I get looks a lot like the detritus from a shower strainer after a few weeks.

You’re the one making the claim. Show your sources or fuck off.

How will you be paying this evening, sir?

It’s still a bad analogy. Instead of Skynet, you’d be better off comparing it to The Matrix:

You’ll find him wrapped in bandages, sleeping in a grain sarcophagus.

Not Klingon enough for Ben Carson.

If GRRM managed to sneak an actual comprehensive study of turtles into his work, it’d be kind of awesome. Instead, we’d just get the usual shallow (but thoroughly thorough) description of the piss beading on their shells and either steaming in the morning air, or rolling into the water and nestling itself amongst a

It’s hard to sculpt “evil” into marble. If the artist had been using a mixed medium of demon menstrual blood, brimstone, and oil-contaminated dolphin brain matter, the resemblance would have been a lot more striking, and a lot less “happy go lucky snake oil peddler”.

Without Shaggy, artiofab, you are powerless against me, dastardly Dick Cheney! I am free to dress as a glowing green mummy and scare people from my amusement park, collecting $1M in insurance!

When did a sex scene become mandatory in writing?

How is a genre to blame for lazy writing?

The concept of an author who uses a search engine to indiscriminately parse websites for his content, which he dumps verbatim into his books (and still sell phenomenally well, based on sheer force of personality) sounds like the start of something PKD might write. There’s a distinctly Palmer Eldritch feel to that :)