
Lord of the Rings was more of a study in linguistics by a renowned Anglo-saxonist more than it was a genre piece. Not to say that everything JRR wrote was good though.

I’m fine with “entertaining”, but when a series starts to avalanche into purple prose describing the mithril veins running through a green marble colonnade, it’s time to cut bait.

GRRM is just another penny dreadful fantasy author, coming from the same school as Robert Jordan, David Eddings, and Terry Goodkind. They’re entertaining to read on the can when you’re a teenager, but they’re not literature. And they all suffer from the same “a trilogy of thirteen books” hubris, where the author twigs

He is a hack, writing a hack serial. Don’t pretend that he’s the Shakespeare of our time.

He has better than no pages. He has a MS Word template. All he has to do is let Clippy loose with character names and a few purple phrases, and the story literally writes/mail merges itself to completion.

Remember the Wheel of Time series? Same deal. Page counts that made the Yellow Pages look anorexic, and enough story to nearly fill three sentences.

GRRM: The L. Ron Hubbard of fantasy.

I had a statue built for vicariously murdering 300,000 Iraqis and shooting another old rich fucker in the face. What do you have?

Awesome, but penguins don’t live on the north pole.

No, Khan is very much a Sikh of Indian origin. Star Trek is unambiguous about this one.

Forget the whiteness, why wasn’t he wearing a dastar, kirpan, and sporting a huge beard? The Singh surname would suggest that he was a practicing Sikh, which would have required those items, loose-fitting underpants, and a comb under the dastar.

Donald Trump could solve the problem in one day if he was President. He’d phone up the Mexican president, weave a mystical tapestry of billionaire capitalist business words, and like rats before the Pied Piper’s flute, anybody with more than a casual knowledge of the items on the Chipotle lunch menu would be plugging

Yeah, oversight and safety regulations gets in the way of the invisible hand.

Billionaire urine is gold colored and highly acidic. It also starts spitting out lethal doses of gamma radiation if it discovers that you have a savings account, benefits package, or make anything above the state-legislated minimum wage.

FUCK YOU AND YOUR LEFTIST ENVIRONMENTAL AGENDA. Building these would cost a thousand million billion jobs in America alone!

Why use perfectly dirt when you could just hit a Home Depot and get some carpet? Roll the sucker over top of the leak, and problem solved!

The historic bridge was an inside job.