
No, I just really hate The Eagles.

Any time is a good time for a member of The Eagles to die.

Trump doesn’t seem to be able to decide whether he’s a extreme right-wing authoritarian or a extreme left-wing authoritarian.

I figured that it was safer to side with H. L. Menckin than assume that a population with bowling on the curriculum could handle more than a Wendy’s menu.

It’s a level of discourse that’s totally inappropriate for children; the nuance required to understand that owning another human being is truly appalling, while also realizing that “owned” human beings might not be miserable 100% of the time is perhaps better suited for a first year university audience.

Yet another reason to not get a gym membership, apart from the $200/yr membership, but we’re banking on you only going three times before deciding that you’d rather sleep in.

Collector of Stuff = Archaeologist.

The reboot Enterprise needs a Confederate flag and orange paintjob.

Not that cheap. A Canada Goose jacket is about $800. Totally worth it on the slopes though.

Literature isn’t measured in page counts or revenue dollars.

He looks like a Tellarite.

In the case of GRRM, there are roughly ten pages of narrative for every thousand pages of copy, so perhaps a better question might be to ask why he’s going the long way around on a sixty page novella?

He even has the customary green ring around his neck from wearing an electroplated gold chain to demonstrate his affluence.

I wish it was true. The boomers aren’t dying fast enough of natural causes.

“Daddy always wanted a girl. Hi Dad!”

Go watch Space Seed. It’s established that he is of Indian descent and is a Sikh.

Better than the Peruvian pan-flute band I had you pencilled into.

Are you on an undercover Vaudeville assignment?

Is it a muslim adorable little kitten?

How on earth did he buy one of these without knowing anything about it. Even by accident.