
The karmic complexity of the match, which featured multiple potential divergences, makes it hard to declare either side unjustified.

When a Ghanaian reporter booed the group, forward Asamoah Gyan acted as if he wanted to fight the man and had to be restrained by teammates before collapsing to the ground and writhing in pain.

Tim Lincecum: Possibly part cat.

♫ Doo doo doo doo do do do doo doo doo doo do this joke is awful ♫

Oh sure. But when J.J. Redick exercises the same option, he's a pariah.

I don't think the Heat will have to worry about Wade. He hasn't been able to exercise in years.

Not to worry, Tom. Things get misconstrued in 140 characters. Chris Broussard also sent a follow-up tweet: "...on Dwayne Wade. Funeral services will be held on Thursday."

I mean, he's LeBron's agent. Of course he's going to be rich.

Good call, Philly. God forbid you have any electricity in that building.

[knock, knock]

ER Receptionist: What seems to be the problem?

His dick told the police "I know we've had our share of fistfights but I never thought he'd pull a gun on me."

Kevin Ware Boned Himself Out Of Final Four Appearance

Just a warning. Takei shared this on Facebook. Your comment board might start to look like Facebook threw up on it.

Now playing

OK, I guess I'll just come right out and explain the joke, since you're pretending to have the reading comprehension and critical reasoning faculties of a fish stick.

I'm not really sure where I stand on all this, Tim.

See, I was once an influential music critic for a small music blog when I was a student in Ann Arbor, and what I'm sure you don't realize is that it's actually a precision-driven and competitive world, assessing culture and framing people's opinions. I nearly came

Well I for one don't think jamming something in his brains is going to help.

maybe the guy with the scrambled brains shouldn't get to decide how scrambled his brains are.

Seeing this makes me sad for the current state of the NBA. Maybe it's just me, but I really think it cheapens your claim as the greatest basketball league in the world when you have a jersey with Gerald Henderson's name on the back.

Father Duck: [comes home]
Father Duck: [hangs up coat]
Father Duck: [slumps onto recliner]
Father Duck: Quaaaaaack.
Mother Duck: Quack?
Father Duck: Quack quack. Quack quack quaaaaack quack quack.
Mother Duck: [nervously fingers apron]
Mother Duck: Quack... quack quack quack.